The Hottest Trend in Knives: Everything You Need to Know About Pocket Fixed Blades

There’s always something new trending in the knife world, and that’s doubly true when it comes to the everyday carry and outdoor enthusiast crowds. New knife steels are a prime example: We’re in a phase where affordable knives meet higher standards and with more premium materials.
But very rarely do we see an entirely new knife category. One might assume that all the categories of knives have been established. Yet, here we are, in the midst of the latest trend in knife-making, the pocket fixed blade (or “pocket fixie”).
When a trend goes mainstream, it usually means that it’s been slowly building momentum for a while. Regarding pocket fixed blades, the segment goes back at least 10 years. But in just the last couple of years, this segment has doubled in size and shows no signs of slowing down.
And it makes sense. Pocket fixies are convenient, reliable, and easy to conceal. They make a great replacement for a folding pocket knife, or act as a complement to one in your everyday carry,
Here, I will outline pocket fixed blade benefits, considerations, use cases, and more.
What Is a Pocket Fixed Blade?
A pocket fixie is a small-form pocket knife that usually measures 8 inches long or smaller. They can either replace your daily carry knife or provide another option. Being smaller than many fixed blades, they’re easier to carry in more places inconspicuously.
The idea is to carry it in your pocket. However, many of these knives can be carried on your belt as well.
As you might expect, all fixed-blade knives require a sheath. The growing popularity of these knives has led to more streamlined sheaths designed to fit in pants or shorts pockets.
These sheaths are generally made from materials used for belt knives, like leather and Kydex. The difference with pocket fixed-blade sheaths is that they may have a belt clip, a clamp, or magnets to hold them in place within your pocket. The intention is to allow you to remove the knife without removing the sheath.
Functionally, fixed-blade knives are stronger than folding knives because they are made from a single piece of steel. This makes them better suited for heavy-duty use and abuse. Additionally, fixed blades don’t have any mechanisms that can jam or fail, making them more reliable. And they’re easier to clean and maintain.
Beyond use, though, there’s an aesthetic appeal to pocket fixed blades. Fixed-blade belt knives tend to draw attention. Even in the woods, I’ve received some serious looks and criticism, as if I was a madman going out to hunt the Algonquin legend, Wendigo.
The beauty of a pocket fixie is that it lives in your pocket and remains mostly unnoticed. Only a little bit of the butt is exposed and the lanyard if you have one. And that can be tucked in your pocket as well.
With a pocket fixed blade, you’re going to get less blade length than you can in a folding knife. Additionally, you’re not going to get the same overall length as you could with a belt knife. That being the case, this style of knife represents a happy medium.
Why Carry a Pocket Fixie
I like having a larger fixed blade when I am in the woods for a variety of reasons, from trail maintenance to food and kindling pep. But I don’t love the attention it gets when I am foraging for chestnuts and Romanesco broccoli at the local Whole Foods.
Still, I want the benefit of a fixed blade all the time. Just the other day, I used the Knafs Lander 4 to pry apart the dashboard in my 4Runner to replace a bulb. Although my folding knife is formidable, I didn’t think it was up for the task of prying. The blade could have snapped, or it could have snapped at the pivot, and then it could have damaged my dashboard.
Fixed blades are also great for hammering. I will baton particular folding knives into wood to see how durable the lock is. But it’s not recommended, and you won’t be able to put in a warranty claim with any knife brand if you snap a folder in half processing kindling that way.
Overall, a pocket fixie adds utility to your EDC. I like having that bit of extra leverage. I also like to have a knife easily accessible with both hands.
Generally, I will carry a folding pocket knife in my rear right pocket. So, having this fixed blade on the left side allows me quick access to either knife. Once you end up in a situation with only one free hand, it all starts to make sense.
Carry Options
Most of the sheaths for pocket fixies are either Kydex or leather. With those sheaths come a few standardized options.
The UltiClip
There has never been a pocket clip for a knife sheath as polarizing as the UltiClip. You love it or hate it, but you can’t argue that it’s probably the most effective clip on the market. It’s also the most widely used for this kind of knife and carry.
The beauty of the UltiClip is that it clamps in place, which comes in handy when you want to retrieve a pocket fixed blade without pulling the sheath out with it. The downside is the power of that clamping mechanism can tear pants, shorts, kilts, and fingernails with ease when you try to release it.
Standard Pocket Clips
Both CRKT and Knafs opted to use a clip not unlike those found with folding knives. This works really well with leather, as the knife sits loose enough in the sheath that it can be removed without removing the sheath.
However, with Kydex sheaths, it can be a bit tricky to remove the knife without removing the sheath with it (though it can be done). You just need to pull fast. This is where a good lanyard comes in handy for leverage.
The latest option is the magnetic pocket sheath. Instead of using clamps or clips, it uses magnets to keep the sheath attached to your pocket or belt.
Maniago Knife Makers (MKM) has a few in the lineup, like the Pocket Tango (another top-tier pocket fixie that I would recommend). This KnifeCenter exclusive Pocket Tango includes the MKM Magnetic Sheath.
Belt Carry
It feels a little weird to consider belt-carrying one of these knives as the “alternative carry,” but it’s a thing. For me, it depends on the pants or shorts I am wearing or what I’m working on.
When I do, it’s on my belt using a drop clip so the butt sits level or right below my waistband. In this formation, it will generally go unnoticed if I am wearing a flannel shirt or sweatshirt. That said, the UltiClip, standard pocket clips, and the magnet options I detailed above all work on a belt as well.
Now that you know about the hottest trend in knives, keep your eyes open. I foresee this trend growing and with that, there will be more options available. Stay tuned to GearJunkie, as I will do my best to continue to test the latest pocket fixed blades as part of my review schedule.
Most importantly, if you feel compelled to spend some cold, hard cash on a new knife, look into the trend. It can be a more useful investment than simply chasing the latest new knife steels.
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