A Tribute to Miss E. & Our Appeal

Many readers here at Bearing Arms and subscribers to Cam’s podcast, Cam & Co, have been aware that Cam’s wife, Miss E., had been battling cancer for over eight years. This is not my story to tell. But, I think it’s important to address this tragic event that’s taken place which has affected a member of our family. With sadness, we report that Miss E. passed away early morning on New Year’s Day, 2025.
There’s no doubt that Miss E. living through these past eight-plus years has been a miracle. It’s also factual that this burden was not her own, and our Cam spent that same time at her side, ensuring that she was being cared for. We can all imagine that this has taken a big toll on him too, as subscribers to his podcast are aware from his semi-regular “TMI updates.”
I can’t speak for everyone, but it never was too much information, Cam. This community loves you and Miss E.
I had the pleasure of meeting Miss E. in July of 2023 and also got to spend some time with her. I actually publicly discussed meeting Miss E. in a post.
The colloquialism that you’re never supposed to meet your heroes is often said. Somehow meeting them is supposed to diminish your view of them, let you know that they’re human like the rest of us. Without getting too personal, those that are familiar with Cam through his show, Cam and Company, know that he and his family have had and have some challenges in life. I certainly don’t mean to speak out of turn nor get hyperbolic in my description of what a hero is, but I have to tell you, after meeting Miss E, naw, my view of her wasn’t spoiled at all. The woman has a strength and durability that does permeate when meeting her in the flesh. Survivor mentality? I don’t know what, but any woman that’ll say, “I grabbed my Henry and shot at it from the bathroom window,” when talking about taking out varmint, is truly a tough bird.
A tough bird Miss E. was indeed. Before heading back to Jersey during that July trip, Charlie Cook – who was on the pilgrimage with me – and I stopped back at the Corny Goat Farm to get some farm fresh eggs and fermented pepper sauce.
The four of us chatted; Cam, Miss E., Charlie, and myself. We made it a point to put in the calendar our next trip down to Virginia – and I’m so glad we did. That’s maybe a story for Cam to tell, but the four of us had a great time in October when we returned to shoot a round of clays in Central Virginia.
It hasn’t been a bed of roses for the Edwards family. Not by a long shot. But as Cam has said multiple times publicly and privately, he’s grateful for the time that they were all given – let’s face it, eight years is a great run with the big “C.”
This is where I’m extending to you, the Bearing Arms and Townhall Media family, a hat. I wasn’t put up to this, in fact, Cam might even get a little mad at me. Well, we’ll discuss that over some cigars at a later date, Cam. But we’ve set up a GiveSendGo for the family to help defray the insurmountable financial burden the family has taken on in the past near decade and month.
If you have the means, anything at all, it’d be an appreciated blessing. A member of our tribe is in pain and could use our help. That’s not completely accurate – a member of our tribe has fallen and her loved ones need us.
So, you can check that out at:
I can tell you Miss E. was – is – a very special, kind, and strong person. Anyone who has had the chance to meet her, I can assure you would agree with that sentiment.
Read the full article here