The 10 Best Preppers on Instagram

Instagram has stood the test of time, with everyone and their mother sharing photos, reels, and stories since 2010. This includes preppers, which have been having a moment lately. Prepping is a broad topic, and some Instagram creators go above and beyond to find interesting angles to share. It’s not all for preppers by preppers- the best Instagram prepping accounts teach the importance of preparedness to the masses.
This group of high quality creators highlight how prepping can be approached from many different angles to appeal to a wide range of people. If you are looking to refresh what shows up in your Instagram home feed with sound prepping advice- start following these accounts to stay up-to-date with the top preppers on Instagram.
What is an Instagram Prepper?
Instagram Preppers are preppers sharing content about their prepping lifestyle, survival tips, or providing preparedness commentary. Prepping is a broad topic, so for the sake of this Top 10, we did have to exclude prepping-adjacent creators, such as exclusive homesteading, firearm, wilderness survival, and food preservation accounts. If you are looking for more information on what prepping is as a whole, check out our introduction: What is Prepping and What is a Prepper?
We also focused on preppers as people, rather than accounts. There are many accounts that post memes, tips, and graphics with voiceovers that have huge followings. These accounts aren’t completely useless, but we’re much more interested in the preppers using Instagram to teach the community and share their preparedness steps.
How We Ranked Accounts
In the past, we’ve ranked our top 10 lists solely by subscribers, followers, or view metrics. Since then, we’ve had a slew of requests asking us to weigh in on the best Instagram preppers beyond just the editor’s pick. We agree- the most followers and views don’t always point to the best account for a wide range of preppers to enjoy.
This is why we developed a unique ranking system that considers more than just follower count. Followers are still the heaviest weight- hundreds of thousands of followers don’t just show up for no reason at all. We also added in some subjective areas based on the content the creators have made.
Here is our breakdown:
- Follower Rank (50% weight) – We take the maximum followers from the list and rank an account 1-10 on a linear scale proportional to the most followers.
- Topical Rank (25% weight) – Accounts that stay on topic with an approach to broad preparedness rank higher.
- Information Rank (20% weight) – Accuracy and quality of information presented. Conjecture will make an account score lower.
- Approach Rank (5% weight) – The most subjective area is how entertaining an account is in it’s presentation and approach.
If you have any issue with our ranking system, give us some constructive criticism in the comments. We like to be transparent not just with our survival gear reviews, but also with any ranking system we have as well.
10. prepperswifelife
Previous rank = N/A
Rank Area | Count/Score |
Followers | 74K |
Topic | 6 |
Information | 7 |
Approach | 5 |
Prepperswifelife shares plenty of great food storage and food preservation tips, and strays into general preparedness every now and then. It’s impressive that she has built such a large following since 2022. Especially, since she uses a first-person view in all of her videos, rarely showing her body and never her face.
The rare photo we could find was actually of her husband holding a chicken- on-brand with the calm kindness she shares in some of her post commentary. They are busy building a homestead and relocating all of their prepping supplies, so we can hope community outweighs OPSEC as some point so we can get to know prepperswifelife a little bit better in the future.
9. Humble Prepping
Previous rank = N/A
Rank Area | Count/Score |
Followers | 72.5K |
Topic | 7 |
Information | 7 |
Approach | 6 |
Humble Prepping just got started in 2024 but has massed a following. He navigates any and every topic related to prepping, ranging from sleep tips (for stressful emergencies) to his self-reliant garden berries. With his fast-growing follower count, he does pitch the occasional product placement here and there but successful Instagram creators don’t do it all for free.
We’re hoping to see him continue to climb the list and post even more details about the extensive prepping projects he has completed.
8. theemergencyexpert
Previous rank = N/A
Rank Area | Count/Score |
Followers | 53.5K |
Topic | 8 |
Information | 9 |
Approach | 6 |
Chris Robin leverages his military experience to share pointed preparedness tips that address a wide range of threats. Whether he’s on a ruck with his GHB or posting from the front seat of his vehicle, he’s sharing a nugget of practical prepping advice anyone can use.
Chris has had his account going since 2016 and recently was verified in 2024.
Despite his extensive combat training, he advocates the importance of practical preparedness above firearms. This is refreshing since it can be easy for a creator to slide into the ‘guns fix everything’ approach to increase their follower count.
7. This Prepared Life
Previous rank = N/A
Rank Area | Count/Score |
Followers | 206K |
Topic | 4 |
Information | 8 |
Approach | 6 |
Allison has an enormous following sharing excellent information on long-term food storage, homesteading, and food preservation techniques. Although her account was started in 2020, she has decades of experience and it shows in her thorough post, reels, and stories.
Our ranking algorithm dinged her pretty hard in the prepping topic area since it could be argued that she is a homesteading/recipe creator, rather than general preparedness. While she does lean heavily into pantry preparedness, we appreciate that she sticks to topics she’s comfortable with and knowledgeable about. Our scores aren’t meant to be a critique, but are a framework to help highlight accounts that cover preparedness as a whole.
6. Rogue Preparedness
Previous rank = N/A
Rank Area | Count/Score |
Followers | 31.3K |
Topic | 10 |
Information | 10 |
Approach | 8 |
Morgan has been bumped up the list considerably by our revamped ranking calculation, boosted by her supreme dedication to the topic of prepping, finding new and interesting angles for over a decade now. Rogue Preparedness isn’t just an Instagram account though- Morgan has a larger following on YouTube and is successful with long-form videos.
It is impressive that she has been able to build both platforms, since YouTube and Instagram are very different not just in video length, but in algorithm and audience too. When she’s not putting out content, she’s spending time being a mom and tending to her growing family.
5. tactical.belle
Previous rank = N/A
Rank Area | Count/Score |
Followers | 225K |
Topic | 8 |
Information | 6 |
Approach | 4 |
Despite her handle being ‘tactical’- Belle manages to stay on topic with most of her posts directly related to prepping or survival. She covers amateur radio, gas masks, land nav, and shooting. She also gives great survival tips while out and about enjoying the outdoors with her husband and dog.
Many of her thumbnails feature her from the back, so the framing of her clips can’t be hurting her reach and follower count. She does have quite a few product features as well, further demonstrating her marketing prowess. When she is pitching products it can get a bit commercialized so we’d like to see those mixed in a little more naturally with her survival tips.
4. preppingforeverything
Previous rank = N/A
Rank Area | Count/Score |
Followers | 273K |
Topic | 5 |
Information | 8 |
Approach | 7 |
Emily from across the pond (the Highlands of Scotland) has been amassing a huge following sharing her homesteading and prepping journey. She’s been at it since 2022 and was verified late 2024. She shares a ton of content that spans between prepping and homesteading, including food preservation and gardening.
She also gives us a sneak peek into her life with her husband, dogs, and newborn. While it’s not always topical to preparedness, it is endearing and rounds out her channel well. Besides Instagram, she also runs a prepping podcast where she’s been sharing her thoughts and giving great practical prepping advice.
Emily is a self-proclaimed antithesis to the gun-toting ex-military preppers with ‘stored beans’, and proudly shares her own brand of self-reliance closer resembling homesteading.
3. MuthaPrepper
Previous rank = N/A
Rank Area | Count/Score |
Followers | 148K |
Topic | 9 |
Information | 10 |
Approach | 9 |
If we were still giving out editor picks, Des would earn it. If she simply had more followers she would easily be at the top of this list. Her content is top-notch – personable yet extremely informative.
Since 2016 she has been covering preparedness basics while extending into many prepping-adjacent hobbies including food preservation, shooting, EDC, and Jiujitsu. She encourages community interaction, answers questions, and consistently posts worthwhile content. Des is a modern prepping mom that gets it all done in her checkerboard Vans.
2. Rob Benson
Previous rank = N/A
Rank Area | Count/Score |
Followers | 342K |
Topic | 7 |
Information | 5 |
Approach | 4 |
Rob Benson first blew up over on TikTok around COVID. His thoughts on the topic during a time when information was trying to be managed ended up in several bans from the platform. Now he avoids the topic and steadily grows his following by promoting general preparedness. Besides the occasional product plug or dinner pic, he does an exceptional job of talking on a wide range of prepping topics.
His account is relatively old since it was created in 2012. He’s racked up thousands of posts, reels, and stories since and became verified in 2023.
The ‘talking head’ type of approach can get old after a while, and it would be nice to see him out and about more since he has a beautiful cabin and some pristine land. Still- he’s earned a huge following with his current format that probably works well with his lifestyle since he does have a family to spend time with.
1. Housewife Prepper
Previous rank = N/A
Rank Area | Count/Score |
Followers | 447K |
Topic | 8 |
Information | 7 |
Approach | 5 |
She doesn’t get on camera that much but has been racking up quite a following. Most of her posts with people in them are of her husband assembling, sorting, and generally doing all the grunt work associated with prepping.
She’s only been posting since December 2019 and you can see her entire preparedness journey through her Instagram posts, reels, and daily stories. She mostly stays on topic, has solid information with only a few ads, and is typically entertaining.
Honorable Mention Creators
With over 2.4 billion active users, there are plenty of people that can make their mark spreading preparedness. Limiting the list to just 10 isn’t going to help the smaller accounts make their mark, so here are some honorable mentions that either didn’t have the follower count to make the cut or didn’t quite hit the score we were looking for when it came to staying on topic, information quality, and entertainment value.
- Canadian Prepper – 37.5K followers – Nate’s personal account for his 1M+ follower prepping YouTube channel.
- Casual Preppers Podcast – 32.9K followers – These guys already steamroll the prepper podcast list and share behind the scenes and clips from the podcast.
- The_Angry_Prepper – 23.1K followers – Urban prepping, wilderness survival, with a few rants in between.
- City Prepping – 18.6K followers – Another big YouTube crossover shares personal updates.
- The Urban Prepper – 12.4K followers – Cliff (from YouTube) shares a lot of memes, but has dropped frequency in his long-form and short-form posts.
Although we track dozens in our ranking spreadsheet, it’s likely that we missed a few accounts- maybe even one of your favorites. If you know of an account that we should add to our spreadsheet for our annual review- let us know in the comments.
Keep in mind that we are looking for prepping-focused (not adjacent) creators- not AI, Pinterest tips, memes, etc.
TruePrepper’s Instagram
Although we have an Instagram page, we’re nowhere near the caliber of content the top 10 (or the honorable mention) put out. Still, we appreciate it when people follow along.
The Final Word
While social media certainly has its drawbacks, it can also be a useful tool as long as you tell the app what you want to see. Instagram does a pretty good job at showing the account I follow regularly on the Home screen, letting me keep up on preparedness trends and prepping topics related to current events. Follow some quality prepping accounts and it’ll improve your feed too.
Here are some other entertainment/informational options worth considering:
If you have any favorite accounts that we may have missed or chose not to rank, weigh in below in the comment section. We’ll always take the time to review it before our next roundup and see where it stacks up.
Keep exploring, stay prepared, and be safe.
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