Tactical & Survival

Former Cop On Why Voting Will Never Work, & Is Only About Further Enslavement

Did you know that voting will never create any real or lasting progress in politics? This is going to challenge the status quo, and when one does that, controversy happens, unfortunately. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be striving to be the most moral human beings possible. With new information, we can change our minds and start to bring about real and lasting freedom.

In a recent video on the YouTube channel Cory – Nature is the Answer, owned by Cory Edmund Endrulat, he discusses the topic of voting and why it’s never going to “work” with a former cop. Endrulat says his goal is to help people see the truth and the ideas that the ruling class is going to desperately try to distract and keep us from learning.

Not voting is a moral concept based on the understanding of what statism actually is. It’s slavery. Playing the game of voting simply moves the slaves from one plantation to the next. Changing masters does not make you free. You’re still being stolen from and ruled over. If you want true freedom, voting is not the way to achieve that.

The Path To Freedom & Abolishing Slavery

Larken Rose also does an exceptional job of explaining the downright stupidity of voting and how those who do so are immoral. What is it going to take to convince people that they own themselves and that no politician or any other human will ever have any right to rule them?

No one should ever vote for anyone ever. Doing so is immoral, and Rose explains it perfectly. No one should have political power and we should never give our consent to be ruled over. Voters are enabling the very system that is enslaving people and enslavement of any kind is always immoral.

The Shadow Government Blackmails Everyone (Why Voting Doesn’t Matter)

So what can we do? We’ve got a big decision to make and it’s between supporting slavery or becoming an abolitionist. One would think that that would be good enough, but sadly, it’s not. Most people actually don’t want to know what the solution is because it requires the mind to be freed to make its own decisions based on morality. If you are ready, Rose explains the solution quite well.

The solution is to stop believing in anyone’s “right” to rule you. Once you get to that point, you have reached that level of “dangerous” extremist thinking. You’ll then be able to keep power over your own self.

Read the full article here

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