Nothing We’ve Learned About Attempted Assassination is Good for Gun Control

It sure didn’t take long, did it?

For people who hate Donald Trump with such a burning passion, the usual suspects waited very little time to start trying to leverage what happened to push for gun control.

In their minds, gun rights are the problem. They’re saying we need gun control and we need it down.

There’s just one problem with that. The gun control that should have prevented Ryan Routh from having a gun completely and totally failed.

Routh is a convicted felon. Among the charges he currently faces is possession of a firearm by a prohibited person. He couldn’t own a gun lawfully, and yet, here we are.

“What this case shows is that someone with evil intentions will find a way to get his hands on a firearm,” said Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. “Reports that the serial number of the rifle recovered by police had been filed off indicate the suspect knew what he was doing.

“We know from various reports this man appears to have violated several existing gun control laws,” he added.

“Just as important,” Gottlieb continued, “is that this case also reinforces the notion that our criminal justice system, rather than the country’s gun control laws, is what needs to be reformed. With this guy’s reported criminal history, he should not have had a firearm. But guess what? Gun laws have never stopped someone determined to commit mayhem.”

Now, I know Gottlieb knows as well as you or I do that criminals are still going to get guns. What we apparently need is someone to notify law enforcement and let them know a prohibited person has a gun. Then the feds can act on that information.

That’ll solve the problem, right?

Or maybe not.

Ryan Wesley Routh was investigated over a 2019 tip to the FBI about him owning a firearm despite being a convicted felon, the FBI announced during a Monday press conference.

Special Agent in Charge Jeffrey Veltri, the head of Miami’s FBI field office, said the report came in while Routh was living in Hawaii.

However, the agency was not able to verify the claims against Routh.

“In following up on the tip, the alleged complainant was interviewed and did not verify providing the initial information,” Veltri said. “The FBI passed that information to local law enforcement in Honolulu.”

Of course, Hawaii has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation and because it’s an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, it’s not exactly easy to get a gun into the state.

Yet someone reported Routh as having a gun while he lived in one of the most gun-controlled states and one where it’s not exactly trivial to drive across state lines, and absolutely nothing happened.

How can you tell me we need more gun control laws when you’re literally doing nothing with the laws already there?

While I’m not a fan of any gun control law, one of the least controversial measures on the books is prohibiting convicted felons from having firearms, yet here is Routh, with a gun, a rap sheet that says he can’t lawfully have one, and what does law enforcement do? Jack squat.

Meanwhile, you and I are supposed to willingly give up our AR-15s and AK-style firearms, as well as any other semi-autos such as our Glocks and Smith & Wesson M&Ps, all because the feds once again completely dropped the ball and gun control failed to stop the very people we’re told it would stop.

Yeah…how about a big old “no” on that one? Sound good?

Read the full article here

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