Dems Go Hogg Wild, Sprint Further Left

If you have any doubt whether the Democrat Party learned anything from its devastating loss of the presidency, U.S. House and U.S. Senate during the 2024 elections, you now can set those doubts aside. Instead of realizing just how outside the American mainstream their leftwing party platform is, Democrats doubled down on tone-deaf with their recent election of David Hogg as party vice chairman.
Hogg, 24, a totally unlikeable liberal activist who made himself a household name after surviving a mass murder at a school in Florida, will serve as a major party figurehead alongside three other vice chairs and newly elected party chair Ken Martin.
“It’s time we stop surrendering, go on offense, and take the fight to Donald Trump and every single Republican who is gutting our rights, attacking workers and rigging the system for the wealthy and well-connected,” Hogg wrote.
Florida Democrats were thrilled that one of their own was elected to the vice chair position, posting on X: “Congratulations to our new DNC Vice Chair, David Hogg—a fellow Floridian and the first member of Gen Z to hold this role. His passion and perspective will help energize young voters and shape the future of the Democratic Party.”
Hogg was backed in his bid for the vice chairmanship by Democrat “superstars” Rep. Eric Swalwell and former Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz, both equally as unlikeable as Hogg himself. Just imaging Hogg and Walz taking the stage together at a major Democrat function in the future. Could there be anything that could cause more people to flip to another channel than that duo?
A Hogg/Swalwell appearance, of course, would be equally “captivating.” Still, Swalwell went all-in for Hogg.
“From taking on the gun lobby to mobilizing millions of young people nationwide, he knows how to build movements that win,” Swalwell wrote in a statement on X.
Of course, Hogg has been “taking on” the “gun lobby” for years, and so far hasn’t won a damn thing. His screeching, whining and perpetual anger have led to defeat after defeat in the Second Amendment arena, which will likely only increase during the Trump Administration.
His terrible personality aside, Hogg’s gross misunderstanding of the American people, politics and the Second Amendment are likely among the worst of Hogg’s many faults. As we reported back in 2023, despite U.S. Supreme Court precedent, Hogg doesn’t even believe that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms.
“You have no right to a gun. You are not a militia,” he tweeted at the time. “When you’re talking about your Second Amendment rights, you’re talking about a state’s right to have what is today the National Guard. The modern interpretation of 2A is a ridiculous fraud pushed for decades by the gun lobby.”
Hogg’s longtime opponent, the National Rifle Association, probably put it best in summing up Hogg’s perfect fit with the DNC after he announced he would run for vice chairman.
“Ultimately, an official position for Hogg with the DNC seems extremely on-brand for those who helped blow over a billion dollars on a failed presidential campaign,” NRA-ILA said in a news alert. “They cozied up to Hollywood elites, legacy media hacks, and radical, far-left activists and organizations while abandoning what had been a major constituency of their party for so long—hardworking Americans.
“Having an impetuous kid with little real-world experience other than several years of railing against the Second Amendment with his hands on the purse strings seems like a recipe for disaster. But we are more than happy to see the DNC take the risk on Hogg.”
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