Ikon vs. Epic: Early Bird Passes Show Clear Winner on Price

If you aren’t already thinking about buying your ski pass for next season, you should be. Epic passes for the 2025/26 season are currently available, and Ikon passes will go on sale on March 13. Both passes come with an early bird discount for those skiers and riders who choose to renew now. However, the price and benefits difference between the two might give some shoppers pause.
Buying the full Epic Pass before the early bird discount ends will cost $1,051. The full Ikon Pass is priced at $1,329 with its early bird discount — 26% more than its competitor. The Epic Local Pass is $783, compared to the Ikon Base, which is $909 next season.
Both passes offer different resort access and perks for those who purchase them. Neither Vail nor Alterra has announced when these early bird prices will end.
As usual, both passes are more expensive this year than last. The Epic Pass has gone up 7% (breaking $1,000 for the first time), and the Ikon pass rose 6.5% over the 2024/25 early bird season pass prices.
If you plan on skiing with either of these passes next season, make moves now to lock in the lowest price. Here is a quick summary of the differences between the Epic and Ikon early bird pass discounts and benefits this season.
Ikon Pass Early Bird Details
When the Ikon Pass goes on early bird sale on March 13, it will include unlimited access to 61 resorts worldwide and has no blackout dates. The Ikon Base Pass, which has unlimited access to 55 resorts and is subject to blackout dates, will cost $909.
The full Ikon also comes with a host of benefits. New this year is a 20% discount on Gravity Haus memberships, products from Shaun White’s White Space brand, 4FRNT Skis and Gear, and Sixt Car Rentals.
There are also new “bonus mountains,” including Wild Mountain and Buck Hill Ski & Snowboard Area in Minnesota, Cranmore Mountain Resort in New Hampshire, and Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort in Massachusetts, where pass holders will get 2 days of access.
Other benefits carrying over from last year are a 20% discount on The North Face products, 40% off Blenders Sunglasses, discounts on CMH Heli-Skiing and Mike Wiegele Helicopter Skiing adventures, and other discounts you can check out here. Ikon also offers its “Friends & Family” discount for pass holders, who get a day pass at any of its resorts for 25% off.
Epic Pass Early Bird Details
Next season, Epic Pass holders will have full unlimited access to 42 resorts (including Perisher, Falls Creek, and Hotham in Australia in 2026). They’ll also have limited access to resorts in Japan, Canada, Austria, France, Italy, Switzerland, and Telluride in Colorado. Epic Local pass holders have unlimited access to 34 resorts but are subject to blackout dates.
The Epic Pass also includes discounts on services through Vail Resorts. Pass holders can save 20% on food, lodging, group lessons, rentals, and more.
Finally, if you purchase your Epic Pass with the early bird discount, you’ll get 10 Buddy Passes, which can be cashed in for up to 45% off a day pass for a friend. This offer expires with the early bird deal.
Epic vs. Ikon Early Bird Passes
Following the premature closure of the 2019/20 ski season due to COVID-19, Vail reduced the price of its Epic Pass by 20% as part of its “Epic For Everyone” program. That brought the price down from $979 to $783 for the full Epic Pass. Just last year, it surpassed its 2019/20 price point from before that reduction.
Alterra Mountain Company, which owns the Ikon Pass, did not offer any kind of discount to its $999 pass for the 2021/22 season, as Vail Resorts did. Both companies have bumped the price up every season since, and Alterra has maintained its more expensive lead.
However, the offerings (as described above) are different. The Ikon Pass offers unlimited access to 19 more resorts than the Epic Pass does. It also doesn’t offer as big of a discount for buddy passes (through its Friends & Family offering).
When it comes down to it, buying an Epic or Ikon season pass is a matter of weighing the costs and benefits on your own. Both passes access amazing resorts and terrain — just for different prices and with different perks. If you want to compare them directly on your own, check out the Epic Pass and Ikon Pass home pages on their respective websites.
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