Stoeger Presents “The Opener” a New Short Film on One Duck Hunting Tradition

For the hunters (or to some, the Fudds) among us who live for this time of the year when crops are being cut, the mercury is falling, deer have shed their velvet and are preparing for the rut and the first ducks begin their migrations south, this is THE time of year we live for. Stepping out of the house at first light with my son to head to his baseball game the other day the chill in the air was unmistakable. We both paused and breathed it in for a moment. As he began to speak, I knew exactly what he was going to say.
“It’s getting time Dad. I feel like we should be at the farm,” he said.
“I know. Not much longer now,” I replied as we slid into the truck and headed to a different type of field.
With hunting seasons opening up and the new year with new product announcements not far off, this is also the biggest time of year for the gun industry as well, and companies celebrate it in many ways. Short-form films have become a popular way to entertain an audience, tell a good story and show consumers how your product (and your brand) is a vital part of the shooting and hunting lifestyle.
Stoeger recently released the following video, “The Opener: A Story of Tradition,” showcasing a group of friends’ tradition of gathering in upstate New York each year to celebrate the opening of waterfowl seasons. For those who are interested, we wanted to share it with you below. Enjoy.
Read the full article here