Tactical & Survival

20 Incredible Uses for Epsom Salt

About 14 miles south of central London lies the small town of Epsom, for which an everyday household staple, Epsom salt, is named.

Historical records state that in 1618, an Epsom cowherd tasted the water that had bubbled up from an underground spring after his cattle refused to drink it. Not only did the water have a bitter taste, but after some of it evaporated, the cowherd noticed a substance remained.

Over the next 150 years, that substance – a mineral called magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) – became widely known for its health benefits, especially as a laxative. Even more remarkable was that wounds on animals’ feet and legs showed healing after they waded into the mineral-laden water in Epsom Common.

People began traveling to Epsom to obtain their own supply of the mineral, and the town’s supply eventually dried up. However, the name stuck as other towns found ways to produce their own supply. Today, two American suppliers provide most of the Epsom salt sold domestically today.

And what of the health benefits? In addition to being a natural laxative, Epsom salt (also known as epsomite) has many other uses. We’ll list some that may surprise you. (Please understand that information offered on the potential health benefits does not replace the advice of a medical professional.)

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1. Relieve Constipation

To help ease the discomfort of mild constipation, dissolve one teaspoon of Epsom salt in eight ounces of water. Sip slowly. (Note: Consult your doctor before taking this oral remedy.)

2. Ease Body Aches

For centuries, health practitioners have believed the minerals in Epsom salt can help draw out toxins in the body. Your skin is a porous membrane, so adding certain minerals to your bathwater prompts reverse osmosis, which pulls salt and harmful toxins out of your body.

Adding Epsom salt to your bath water may help relieve aches and pains associated with exertion, stress, tension, swelling, bruising, and inflammation. Add about two cups of Epsom salt to running warm bath water and soak in the tub for at least 10 to 15 minutes.

3. Soak Your Feet

If your tired feet need some TLC, try soaking them in a basin filled with Epsom salt and warm water. This remedy also helps treat foot fungus, including athlete’s foot. Another benefit is that Epsom salt helps soften rough skin, fight toenail fungus, and neutralize foot odor. 

4. Use as a Hand Wash

You can also use Epsom salt as part of a hand wash. Try mixing it with baby oil for softer, cleaner hands.

5. Get Some Rest

The magnesium content in Epsom salt can help your body manufacture more serotonin, which is necessary for sleep. Soak in a warm Epsom salt bath as part of a soothing bedtime routine.

6. Remove Splinters

If you’ve ever unsuccessfully jabbed at a splinter in your own skin or your child’s, you know how painful and frustrating it can be. Try soaking the injured body part for about 10 minutes in warm water and Epsom salt. The magnesium in Epsom salt will reduce inflammation and help draw the splinter toward the surface of the skin, making it easier to remove.

7. Cleanse Your Face

Epsom salt has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, making it an excellent choice to treat facial blemishes like acne and blackheads. To use as a facial cleanser, mix one teaspoon of Epsom salt with your regular cleanser (or olive oil) and wash your face as normal.

You can also use this mixture as a natural exfoliant. Gently rub the paste into your skin in a circular motion and rinse to rid your face of dead skin cells.

To clear up blackheads, stir together one teaspoon of Epsom salt, four drops of iodine, and one-half cup of hot water. After the mixture is slightly cooled, gently massage it into the affected area. Allow it to dry well before washing with warm water and patting dry with a soft cloth.

8. Remove Hair Styling Products

Restore the look and feel of healthy hair with an Epsom salt hair rinse. Mix one cup of Epsom salt and one cup of lemon juice into a gallon of water. Let it sit for 24 hours.

Pour the liquid over your hair and allow it to soak in for about 15 minutes. Wash and condition as usual. You’ll notice thicker, more manageable hair.

9. Ease The Pain of Sunburn and Other Minor Burns

Mix two tablespoons of Epsom salt with one cup of water and pour into a spray bottle. Spray the painful area with the soothing spray.

10. Suppress The Itch of Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac

You can ease the pain, irritation, and burning these plants can cause with the help of Epsom salt. Make a solution of two tablespoons of Epsom salt and one cup of cold water. Then, soak a cotton cloth in the solution, wring it out, and apply it to the affected area. For smaller areas, you can use a cotton ball.

11. Reduce Insect Bite Itch and Swelling

Combine a half cup of water and a half cup of Epson salt and pour the solution into a spray bottle. Spritz or spray onto the skin for cooling relief.

Household Uses for Epsom Salt

Now that we’ve explored some personal uses for Epsom salt, let’s explore some ways you can use this mineral inside and outside the home.

12. Deter Pests

Slugs can be devastating to your garden. Epsom salt can come to the rescue. All you need to do is sprinkle Epsom salt as a borderline around your garden to keep them from getting to your plants.

You can also sprinkle Epsom salt on your outdoor trash can lids to deter pesky raccoons from getting into your trash. (Take care to keep children and pets away so they do not ingest the salt.)

13. Nourish Your Plants

The magnesium and sulfur in Epsom salt are key to plant health and growth. Test your garden soil before adding Epsom salt to see if they are deficient in either element. If there is a magnesium deficiency, sprinkle Epsom salt around the base of your plants. The recommended amount is about one tablespoon of Epsom salt per one foot of plant height.

Try watering your tomato plants, hydrangeas, roses, azaleas, and hibiscus with the same treatment.  You can also use the Epsom salt solution on your household plants, but take care to avoid ferns, orchids, cacti, and succulents.

14. Maintain a Green Lawn

When added to the soil, the magnesium sulfate crystals found in Epson salt can provide nutrients that help prevent yellowing in grass and other plants. Try adding two tablespoons of Epsom salt to a gallon of water in your watering can. Sprinkle the liquid on your lawn to keep it looking green.

15. Boost Laundry Detergent

Try adding a half-cup of Epsom salt to your washing machine along with your regular laundry detergent. You’ll notice cleaner and softer clothes and linens.

16. Clean The Washing Machine

When was the last time you cleaned your washing machine? Washing all those dirty clothes can take a toll. You can use Epsom salt to remove unsightly, unsanitary build-up. Fill the tub with hot water. Then, add one quart of white vinegar and one cup of Epsom salt. 

Let the machine agitate for a minute or so before hitting the stop button. Let the solution sit undisturbed in the machine for about an hour. Then, finish the cycle. To avoid staining any of your clothing, run an empty rinse cycle before doing a load of laundry.

17. Polish Silverware

Remove unsightly tarnish with a solution of one-fourth cup of Epsom salt and two cups of boiling water. Allow the silverware to soak for 5 to 10 minutes. Then, wipe away any loosened tarnish. Heavy tarnish may require more than one application.

18. Scrub Cookware

You can use the abrasive texture of Epsom salt to your advantage when cleaning pots and pans. All you need to do is sprinkle some Epsom salt on the cookware before you scrub at stains.

19. Clean Bathroom Grout

You can use Epsom salt to clean unsightly stains in your kitchen and bathroom tile and grout. Mix a 50/50 blend of Epson salt and liquid dish detergent. Apply the paste to stains and let it soak in place for a few minutes. Then rinse and wipe clean.

20. Prevent Mud Stains

Use Epsom salt to help absorb muddy footprint stains in your car or home entryway. Sprinkle a layer of Epsom salt on the mud and allow it to sit for 15 minutes. It will loosen the dirt, allowing you to vacuum away the mess. 

If you’re now sold on the benefits of having SOME Epsom salt around, you may be wondering how to buy it in bulk. This resealable gallon jug is available on Amazon. Or you can purchase this three-pound pack for $3.74.

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