Gun Owners, Remember to Vote Today

It’s not like anyone over the age of four in America isn’t already painfully aware that today is voting day, but we’re still gong to add our reminder to the chorus of calls to vote because this election is so important. Gun owners across the country are encouraged to head to the polls today, Nov. 5, and make their voices heard by supporting candidates who stand for Second Amendment rights. While presidential elections often capture the spotlight, voting in Senate, House and state-level races is crucial to protecting and preserving the right to bear arms. Local and state lawmakers hold significant influence over gun policy, from concealed carry regulations to hunting rights, making these races just as impactful for firearm owners.
Pro-gun candidates at every level are working to defend the rights of lawful gun owners. Casting a ballot isn’t just a chance to support these individuals but an opportunity to ensure that Second Amendment protections remain strong in your community and beyond. Take a few moments to research which candidates align with your values and make a plan to vote today. Every vote counts in preserving the rights and freedoms that are core to the gun-owning community.
Read the full article here