Tactical & Survival

Joe Rogan Endorses Donald Trump As Ruler

Joe Rogan is endorsing Donald Trump in the last few hours before the (s)election in the United States. Rogan would rather see Trump rule everyone than his opponent, Kamala Harris.

Both seek to be your master and at the end of the day, if you have a master, you aren’t free. The political dances and ceremonies they go through don’t make their authority valid. The only thing that makes it valid is the slave class’s belief that they are obligated to obey a master. Of course, this belief is enforced with threats of violence, making it all the more obvious that we live in a slave system.

Stop Drinking the Political Kool-Aid, America: Voting Will Not Save Us

The lesser of two evils is still evil, yet Rogan has chosen his version of “less evil.” Rogan promoted his interview with the great and powerful” Musk in a post on X, insisting that if it weren’t for the self-described free speech absolutist, “we’d be f**ked.”

“Musk makes what I think is the most compelling case for Trump you’ll hear, and I agree with him every step of the way. For the record, yes, that’s an endorsement of Trump,” Rogan told his 13.3 million followers on Monday evening.

During the interview, Musk reiterated his warning that the 2024 election could become the last if Democrats win and move to “legalize enough illegals to turn the swing states, and everywhere will be like California.”

“There will be no escape. This is it. This is the last chance. Go out and vote. Vote like your life depends on it. Vote like your future depends on it, because it does,” he urged the audience.

When former ruler Donald Trump heard the news while at a Pennsylvania rally, he said: “It just came over the wires that Joe Rogan just endorsed me. Is that true? Thank you, Joe. That’s so nice. And he doesn’t do that.”

It looks like whether you want to be ruled or not, the majority of Americans are going to appoint a master over all of us.

Read the full article here

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