15-Year-Old Arrested on Gun Charges in Atlantic City

While a lot of our attention has been focused on Tuesday’s election, and justifiably so, the world kept on spinning with stuff that may or may not have related to who people voted for. Especially since state laws in deeply anti-gun states weren’t likely to change as a result of, well, anything.

Take New Jersey, where they have some of the toughest gun control laws in the country. Gun control isn’t likely to go away there anytime soon. Not without something strange happening. 

If gun control works, then New Jersey has got to be super safe and there’s no way there would be cases of people who most definitely shouldn’t have guns being caught with them, right?

Like, say…oh, I don’t know…a 15-year-old kid having guns?

Yeah, that wouldn’t happen.

What? What’s that? It did?

The Atlantic City Police Department has recovered five illegal firearms and arrested five individuals in the past two weeks as part of ongoing efforts to combat gun violence and other criminal activities, according to a statement released Tuesday.

The arrests began on October 21, when Officer John Bell responded to a report of a young male in possession of a handgun on the 1500 block of Atlantic Avenue. A 15-year-old was taken into custody after being found with a loaded firearm as well as small amounts of cocaine and heroin. The juvenile’s mother was also charged with violating the city’s curfew ordinance by allowing her son to be out late.

On October 24, Detectives Christopher Dodson, Eric Evans, and Alberto Valles conducted a traffic stop near Indiana and Logan Avenues. The passenger, identified as Okese Smith, attempted to flee the scene but was apprehended shortly after. Smith was reportedly carrying 47 grams of marijuana, while the driver, Tylee Adams, was taken into custody on an active arrest warrant. A handgun with a laser sight was found inside the vehicle.

Now, I knew Atlantic City was a party town, but I didn’t think they partied to the tune of 15-year-olds carrying guns and drugs.

OK, I actually did. This doesn’t actually surprise me in the least. We know this is happening in every city in the country, but particularly in anti-gun cities like Atlantic City. I say “particularly” because anti-gunners routinely claim gun control works, that it makes their communities safer, all while ignoring the fact that literal children are getting guns in spite of the plethora of anti-Second Amendment regulations they’ve pushed into existence.

Meanwhile, law-abiding citizens in the state have to deal with permit-to-purchase requirements, universal background checks, and gun registration for handguns, among other things just to buy a firearm, then have to deal with the state’s concealed carry permitting scheme that is tailor-made to keep people from getting a permit under subjective and unconstitutional standards.

Good, decent folks are left having to jump through more and more hoops, all while kids who aren’t even old enough to drive are diddy-bopping around Atlantic City with loaded guns.

Of course, this is what gun control does. If it does anything to create issues for criminals, those issues are short-lived as the bad guys will figure out a way around the law even as the law-abiding are stuck having to navigate laws that treat them like criminals but don’t really seem to actually do anything to the criminals.

Read the full article here

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