10 Time Convicted Felon Looking at Number 11 After Gun, Silver Theft

One of the problems we have in this country is recidivism. People go into prison and rather than come out reformed, they just end up going back over and over again. There are a number of factors that likely contribute to it, including the fact that far too many of them just have no fear of prison in the first place.
But at some point, you’ve got to recognize someone is just a bad seed and act accordingly.
For example, if someone’s been convicted 10 times, there’s a good chance he’ll probably break the law again.
A really, really good chance.
A man who was released from prison in August is back behind bars after deputies say he burglarized several homes in Hillsborough County.
Deputies said they went to a home on the 2100 block of Herndon Street in Dover last Friday shortly before 10:15 p.m. because of a reported burglary in which three firearms were stolen.
They identified Justin Reeves, 34, a 10-time convicted felon, as a possible suspect.
While searching Reeves’s vehicle, deputies said they found heavy bags with a lot of collectible silver coins and silver bars inside.
Detectives said the silver coins and bars were stolen during an unreported burglary in Hillsborough County. They contacted the victim, who said they were out of town when the burglary took place.
They then searched Reeve’s home and reportedly found two of the three stolen guns and still more silver.
At this point, I’m wishing he at least had them in a chest with a plan to bury them or something.
Among the charges Reeves is now facing are armed burglary of a dwelling, burglary of an unoccupied conveyance, felon in possession of a firearm, three counts of grand theft firearm, grand theft, second-degree grand theft, dealing in stolen property, possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, and a partridge in a pear tree.
Now, let’s be clear and note that he’s innocent until proven guilty. It’s always possible that this is something he’s innocent of and he’s just the guy getting screwed over in the here and now.
It’s not necessarily likely, but it’s possible. Weirder things have happened.
If he is guilty of this, though, I’ve got to ask just what it’s going to take.
For one thing, it’s clear he needs to give up on crime because, with 11 convictions, it’s pretty clear he sucks at crime. I guess if it’s his passion, that won’t matter, but he should probably consider knitting instead or something, because crime isn’t working out well.
It also seems pretty obvious that gun control didn’t accomplish a damn thing. I mean, he stole the guns from lawful gun owners, so no amount of background checks seemed to prevent him from stealing a firearm.
Here’s the obligatory “Gun control doesn’t work” thing because, well, it doesn’t and Reeves seems to prove that.
We’ll have to see what the courts have to say, though this might get pled out to give him a shorter sentence and save the taxpayers some money on a trial. Of course, a shorter sentence won’t help keep him from deciding to run his number of convictions up to an even dozen, now will it.
Allegedly, anyway.
Read the full article here