Bird Flu Spreads To Seals In Washington

Now that the (s)election is over, the mainstream media can push another fear-based idea on the masses. Bird flu in Washington state has spread to seals, and that is going to ignite fears that it will become transmissible between humans.
A study conducted by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and researchers from Washington State University found that 56% of a large breeding colony died from a 2023 outbreak on Rat Island, and no birds have successfully bred there since, according to a report by Kiro7, a local media outlet.
“This Caspian tern event was the first big marine environment avian flu outbreak for Washington,” said Katherine Haman, a wildlife veterinarian for WDFW and lead author of the study in the journal Frontiers in Veterinary Science. “It caused significant, punctuated mortality for the Caspian terns, which were already a species in decline throughout this flyway.”
“We tend to think of avian influenza as a respiratory disease, but the seal respiratory samples were initially negative for H5N1,” said co-author Kevin Snekvik, a WSU veterinary pathologist and WADDL executive director. “That seemed odd because there was a relatively high mortality in the seals, and there were also birds that were sick at the same time.”
Rising Cases of Bird Flu in Mammals Sparks Concerns Of Human Transmission
Kiro7 went on to report that there is no vaccine or treatment yet available in the United States for animals impacted by the avian flu. However, the masters have stockpiled a “vaccine” for the human cattle.
Ruling Class Has Prepared MILLIONS Of “Vaccines” For The Bird Flu Plandemic
It is difficult to control bird flu wildlife given the rapid spread and the difficulty associated with the capture and handling of wild animals. Right now, the ruling classes’ solution is to slaughter everything that tests positive for the virus.
The CDC ADMITS: PCR Tests CANNOT Differentiate Between Coronaviruses!
At this stage, researchers are trying to gain insights into the spread of the disease in wild populations by tracking the spread and understanding the impact.
The rulers have been rolling this out much more slowly than they did the COVID-19 scamdemic. They could still be building the fear in order to manufacture mass compliance with yet another “vaccine.” Or they are waiting for something else. It is tough to say, but it’s becoming increasingly important to watch.
Read the full article here