BREAKING: ‘Mass Stabbing’ in Amsterdam Leaves at Least 5 Injured

While Europe has extensive gun control laws throughout the continent, it hasn’t really done all that much to address the “evil that lurks in the hearts of men” or anything of the sort.

For many, what they’ve done is enough.

Unfortunately, it’s not.

At least five people have been injured in a “mass stabbing” in the centre of Dutch capital Amsterdam, police have said.

The attack happened shortly after 2.30pm GMT – with dozens of police cars descending on the city’s iconic Dam Square just minutes later.

A spokesman confirmed the attacker had been arrested, though did not mention a potential motive.

Meanwhile, images from local TV channel AT5 show an air ambulance landing in the square – just metres from Sint Nicolaasstraat, where police said the stabbing occurred.

One witness said that “suddenly an icy scream could be heard”, sparking panic in Dam Square, though he added that he and bystanders did not know what was going on.

A local shop worker also said that she suddenly heard a lot of shouting and screaming – and that people started running in the direction of the incident.

Obviously, this just happened a short time ago–about 10:30 Eastern–and there are still a lot of questions unanswered. For example, we don’t know how grievous the injuries might be.

I do find it interesting, and a bit encouraging, that people started running toward the incident. Of course, that might be my unfortunately innate optimism, seeing this as people running toward danger to help stop it or to render aid, rather than people wanting a viral hit on their social media feed.

But let’s also understand that Holland has strict gun control, as already noted. Some would argue that this is proof that it worked, that it wasn’t a shooting, and that so far, no one is dead.

That’s a very delusional take, though.

First, it’s pretending that guns are automatically fatal, and that’s not remotely true. Further, we’ve seen “mass shootings” here in the United States where fewer people were shot, so let’s not just accept that it would have been worse if guns were available.

The fact that even a suppressed firearm makes a lot of noise might have actually reduced the number of targets for the attacker.

Moreover, though, is the fact that this is absolute proof that no matter how restrictive the gun laws might be, evil people will still find a way to carry out evil acts. No one seems inclined to try and examine why this happens and take steps to address that.

They took the guns in ways we would never allow, and they still get these kinds of attacks.

While it’s likely this was terror-related–there is apparently a massive number of “migrants” in Amsterdam, and in Europe, most of those come from the Middle East–we don’t know for certain. It could just be a random maniac like we’ve seen commit similar acts all across the globe.

We do know what hasn’t stopped the attack, though. We know what hasn’t stopped many others, even as these same nations turn their nose up at us for not buying into the anti-gun nonsense.

But at least we can defend ourselves in much of the country.

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