CCRKBA Blasts Democrats Over David Hogg’s Election as Vice Chairman

Gun control activist-turned-Democratic National Committee vice chairman David Hogg is still young. To many, his ability to accomplish so much in so short a span is an inspiration and a testament to what young people can do.

None of those people, however, have ever really looked at David Hogg’s so-called accomplishments.

He was a state college reject who Harvard accepted simply because they like having well-known people on campus. He then left college and started trying to get young Democrats elected and failed spectacularly.

Despite this, the Democrats decided they needed his “leadership.”

And, in a press release, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms argues that Democrats have now lost all credibility.

The Democratic National Committee has just destroyed whatever remaining shreds of credibility it may have had on the gun issue by electing David Hogg, the 24-year-old gun control extremist, as its vice chairman, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said.

“David Hogg has become one of the nation’s most extremely outspoken—and attention seeking—gun control zealots in recent memory,” noted CCRKBA Managing Director Andrew Gottlieb. “Since becoming a media darling following the 2018 high school shooting in Parkland, Florida, he’s been traveling the country pushing heavily restrictive gun control, which, he must know as a Harvard graduate, collides with the federal and state constitutions.

“He has claimed the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right to keep and bear arms,” Gottlieb continued. “Apparently he slept through his history courses, else he would have known the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled three times since 2008 that the Second Amendment protects a fundamental, individual right to own firearms, whether he likes it or not.”

Hogg was elected to serve as one of three DNC vice chairs, and he is the youngest person on that list. He announced his intention to run for the position last year, contending that his presence will help bring back younger voters to the Democrat Party after huge numbers of young adults cast their votes for Donald Trump last November.

“David Hogg has admitted on social media that he is ‘one of the most politically toxic people in the country’ and that he is ‘too radical for American politics’,” Gottlieb noted, “yet here he is jumping into the spotlight as vice chair of a political party. 

“By going ‘Whole Hogg,’” he observed, “the DNC has not simply aligned itself with this show-boater, it has cast off any pretense that the party cares one whit about the Second Amendment rights of millions of Americans, including the young voters it now wants to embrace. Democrats marginalized themselves in the last election cycle with their radical anti-gun-rights agenda, which voters rejected. If they’re content to continue down that road with David Hogg in a leadership position, well, bless their hearts.”

As a Southerner, those last three words just make me giggle.

The truth of the matter is that Democrats have never given a damn about the right to keep and bear arms. David Hogg himself has argued that it’s not an individual right, but a collective one that protects state militias. How “the people” means “the states” when the 10th Amendment shows that the Founding Fathers had no problem saying “the states” is beyond me.

Still, one issue with Hogg is that he’s never had an original thought on any political issue. He’s never articulated his own arguments, even. Instead, he’s a parrot who simply repeats what he’s heard or read somewhere else, and that includes the idea that the Second Amendment isn’t an individual right.

The fact that they elected him to such a high position is mind-boggling, really.

The fact that he thinks he can somehow attract young men back to the Democratic Party simply by existing is even more ridiculous. Especially as many of those young men are recognizing how people like Hogg want to restrict their right to keep and bear arms. Not just in a general way, either, but Hogg has been vocal about supporting age limits on gun ownership, denying a constitutionally protected right to adults under 21–something that he wouldn’t have tolerated for his First Amendment rights, strangely enough.

Gottlieb is absolutely correct in pretty much everything he says in this.

Of course, I can honestly say that my days of not taking the DNC seriously were certainly coming to a middle before this. Nothing they did here is improving the situation.

Read the full article here

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