Chicagoland’s Gun ‘Turn-ins’ Should Spark Debate

The topic of so-called “gun violence” is surrounded by misleading ideas and alleged statistics. From governmental agencies fudging the numbers on who qualifies as a child, to ignoring suicide completions when weighing the numbers, the firearm death and injury statistics are constantly bent to serve a narrative. Two gun turn-in events hosted in Chicago this weekend and they should spark debate.
The two events were hosted in tandem on the 14th of December, 2024. Press items about the two turn-ins were sent out by the Chicago Police Department on December 12th, giving tons of notice to those wishing to report on the events and how Director Brooks from the Community Policing office was slated to attend.
Per the media advisory, the “what” of the December 14th event is as follows:
Director Glen Brooks Office of Community Policing, will preview the two gun-turn ins that will be held on Saturday, December 14, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at House of Hope (752 E. 114th St.) and Chosen Bethel Family Ministries (6201 S. Sangamon).
All guns turned in will receive $100 gift cards each. Each BB gun, air gun or replica gun will receive a $10 gift card. These will be “no questions asked” turn-ins.
*Press is asked not to film faces of those turning in guns*
Flyers for the events are eye-catching with the following verbiage on them:
What’s always interesting is how these events keep popping up, but they’re nothing but feel-good initiatives. There’s been no measured drop in gun violence proceeding so-called “buybacks,” or as more appropriately labeled in this case, turn-in events. In fact, there’ve been recorded upticks in crime in the areas that host such events in the acute aftermath.
Some of the FAQs listed on the flyers tell criminals everything they need to know:
NO, this is a “NO QUESTIONS ASKED” gun turn in. The most important thing is that we get the gun off of the streets. No one will ask any questions about you or the gun. You will not have to provide any personal information.HOW MANY GUNS CAN I TURN IN?
Every gun brought to a gun turn in site will be accepted and each gun will receive one Prepaid Visa Card.WHAT HAPPENS TO THE GUN AFTER I TURN THEM IN?
All guns are destroyed and never returned to the streets.CAN I TURN IN A BB, REPLICA OR AIR GUN?
Yes, each BB, replica and air gun will receive a $10 Prepaid Visa Card. However, toy guns WILL NOT receive a Prepaid Visa Card.DO I HAVE TO GIVE MY NAME TO VISA IN ORDER TO USE THE CARD?
No, the Prepaid Visa Card works just like any other prepaid gift card.CAN I TURN IN PART OF A GUN OR GUN PARTS FOR A PREPAID VISA CARD?
We will take any gun parts. But a Prepaid Visa Card will only be given for whole guns, not parts of guns.
What exactly is meant by saying the flyers would “tell criminals everything they need to know”? It’s simple. Looking over the rules of engagement here, these turn-in events are radioing that they’re the perfect places to dispose of crime weapons.
The flyers might as well say, “Have a gun you know was used in a murder? Don’t dump it in the river, send it to one of our turn-in events.” That’s basically the only thing these events are good for, evidence disposal. They might as well be advertised as such.
The fact is, there’s no known measurable positive effect when these kinds of events happen. They get some good PR and the police and politicians can say they’re doing something. Meanwhile, it’s usually the taxpayers’ funds used to pay for what amounts to a pile of junk guns. Or worse yet, some little old lady turns in a priceless heirloom for pennies on the dollar.
Chicagoland, you get an “A” for effort. But these events, much like your approach to policing holistically, will amount to being a big nothing burger.
Read the full article here