Experts Warn “The World” To Prepare For A Bird Flu Plandemic

The rapid spread of the H5N1 bird flu virus in cattle and poultry flocks in the United States warrants a warning from health experts. A claim has been made that urgent global action on pandemic preparedness to close dangerous gaps in the world’s ability to develop and deliver new protective vaccines, flu and disease outbreak specialists are warning.
In a letter to the journal Science, CEPI’s Executive Director for Preparedness and Response Dr. Nicole Lurie and six other experts said the bird flu virus (known as H5N1 and known to be very severe in some human cases) had in recent years crossed species from birds to mammals, including dairy cattle. It is now causing widespread exposure and sporadic human infections in the U.S. and beyond. At least one person has died from H5N1 infection in the U.S., and a teenager in Canada suffered critical illness before eventually recovering.
Woman Hospitalized In Wyoming With Bird Flu
CEPI’s mission, according to their own website, is to accelerate the development of vaccines and other biologic countermeasures against epidemic and pandemic threats so they can be accessible to all people in need. The vaccine is the goal, once again, and a plandemic could arise that would fill the “need” for these pharmaceutical companies to create more injections.
“Pandemic preparedness initiatives should be urgently resourced and implemented,” they wrote. “Enhancing readiness now can save lives and reduce societal and economic disruption if H5N1 or another outbreak becomes a pandemic.” “Immunization programs are complex and demand advance planning.”
The experts outlined three critical efforts that they said should begin now in preparation for a potential wider human outbreak of H5N1: health authorities should establish a programme involving industry, governments, regulators and the scientific community to develop rapidly scalable pandemic flu vaccines, tests and treatments—with equitable access supported by a funded global framework; a comprehensive public communications programme should be initiated to address misinformation and hesitancy about vaccines; and governments should develop and transparently stress-test pandemic response plans to deal with a range of different disease scenarios and immunisation strategies. -CEPI’s website
The Overhyped Threat of a Human Bird Flu Pandemic is a Hoax to “Reset” Our Food System
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