GOA Calls Out Wyoming’s ‘Pro-Gun Majority’ Over ‘Repeal of Gun Free Zones’ Bill

The Gun Owners of America is an organization that doesn’t really play around on guns rights. It’s a group that will throw their support behind pro-gun candidates, but then they expect them to be pro-gun, not just non-anti-gun. There is a difference.
One is just not going to vote for gun control. The other actively tries to advance gun rights while opposing gun control.
And it seems the organization is ready to call out some who aren’t living up to that standard in Wyoming over a bill that would repeal gun-free zones. Yes, GOA supports the bill and so do the lawmakers, at least ostensibly. So what’s the problem?
The debate itself.
However, the voice of Wyoming’s pro-Second Amendment majority is taking a back seat to Colleges, Universities, many local officials, and many unelected bureaucrats who don’t believe you have a right to protect yourself in areas where only criminals will be armed!
Now in 2025, Representative Haroldson (R – Wheatland) has worked the legislation through the Wyoming House for the second straight year!
Despite passing the House, there is still strong opposition at Hearings and through e-mail and letter writing campaigns.
GOA is calling out these lawmakers, which is good.
I’m going to go a step further. I’m calling out gun rights supporters in Wyoming who aren’t burning up the phones and email inboxes of their lawmakers voicing support for this measure. I’m calling them out for not stepping up at Hearings and rallies and everywhere else.
Having a pro-gun majority doesn’t mean you can coast. Lawmakers are notoriously windsock-like when it comes to voting and supporting things. Long-time supporters of a given policy have been known to switch when it becomes politically expedient to do so (Looking at you, Tim Walz, Kathy Hochul, and Adam Kinzinger). If they think opposing a gun rights expansion, they often will.
Not all legislators are like that, of course. Some have stuck to their guns–literally, in these cases–and lost their next election because of it. I can respect their principles in such a situation.
But do you really want to trust your legislator is like that?
If you make it clear that you want this to pass, it won’t matter nearly as much as if you’re quiet.
See, just because you’re in a pro-gun state, it doesn’t mean that you can just coast. That’s also true at the national level. It’s up to you and me to make sure our rights are protected. We cannot let our guard down because the other side never rests. They keep working and pushing and we have to do the same, even if it’s just to maintain the status quo.
GOA is calling out lawmakers and I’m calling out voters.
There’s no way this shouldn’t be a slam dunk in a state like Wyoming, especially when we’re talking about colleges and universities since we’ve seen absolutely no problems from campus carry in the states that have it.
It’s a wake-up call for all of us to step up our game.
Read the full article here