Tactical & Survival

Russia Plans “Peaceful” Nuclear Projects With BRICS State

Russian officials have said they intend to plan “peaceful” nuclear projects with BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) state Ethiopia. Both countries have agreed to cooperate in the use of nuclear technologies for peaceful purposes, according to a statement posted on the Russian government’s Telegram channel on Wednesday.

Moscow reported that the officials also discussed expanding bilateral ties in various sectors, including trade, agriculture, and tourism, and the possibility of implementing joint projects in information and communication technologies, education, and medicine.

Accoridng to a report by RT, the agreement was reached during talks between Russia’s economic development minister, Maxim Reshetnikov, and his Ethiopian counterpart in charge of innovation and technology, Belete Molla, in the East African nation’s capital, Addis Ababa. Reshetnikov is part of a senior delegation from Russia’s Federation Council, led by its chairperson Valentina Matviyenko, on a three-day official visit to Ethiopia.

According to a statement by Russian officials, a road map was signed during the meeting. The plans outline “practical steps to assess the prospects for the development of nuclear energy in Ethiopia, as well as joint plans for the development of nuclear infrastructure and personnel training.”

Speaking to RT on Thursday, Andrey Maslov, the head of the Center for African Studies at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, said the Russian officials’ Ethiopian trip should help boost relations between the two nations.

“Matviyenko’s visit and meeting of the intergovernmental commission with the participation of minister Reshetnikov is an important step in the relations between the two countries. After Ethiopia became part of the BRICS in Russia’s presidency year, relations are just getting better,” he stated. –RT

This news comes as the growing rift between the U.S. and Ukraine intensifies after Kiev damaged American oil infrastructure in its ongoing war with Russia.

Putin: The West Should Repair The Damage Done By Ukraine To Oil Infrastructure

Is Russia to be trusted? What about Ukraine? Will this expand the possibility of war? Your opinion matters! Let us know what you think!

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