Gun Control Needs A Lesson on ‘Charleston Loophole’

The shooting at a black church in Charleston was a disgusting display of racism. Then it turned out that the killer shouldn’t have been able to get a gun, but it took NICS too long to return the background check.

That lead to people calling this the “Charleston Loophole.”

They claim that it’s a loophole that when a background check isn’t returned after three days, it’s assumed to be a pass. Now, a South Carolina gun control group wants to put an end to this so-called loophole.

A coalition of national gun control groups is pushing for more stringent firearm restrictions in South Carolina in anticipation of the tenth anniversary of one of the nation’s most notorious mass shootings.

According to an advisory from Everytown, Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action, leaders of these groups will join with local officials next week to demand the closing of the “Charleston loophole.”

The “Charleston loophole” is how avowed white supremacist [killer dirtbag’s name redacted’ was able to obtain the firearm he used to murder nine black parishioners at Mother Emanuel AME church in downtown Charleston on June 17, 2015.

[He] was sentenced to death at the federal level following the mass shooting. He is one of three condemned killers former president Joe Biden declined to pardon during his sweeping commutation of federal death sentences last month.

Now, the author of this piece points out how the government system broke down, but that ordinary gun buyers shouldn’t be forced to suffer because of that. I fully agree.

If these groups want to prevent another Charleston from happening, then maybe a better solution would be to push for more resources so NICS can return background checks within those three days.

The waiting limit was put in place specifically so background checks couldn’t be sat on indefinitely. All it would take is not cap on waiting and a lawmaker who didn’t want anyone having guns to simply cut NICS funding so they couldn’t do their jobs. Then people would wait forever to get a firearm.

The three-day limit was put in place to placate concerns that could happen.

Do they think we forgot about that? Well, we didn’t.

Increased resources for NICS would accomplish their ultimate stated goal–to keep guns from being sold to people who are actually ineligible–and wouldn’t interfere with our right to keep and bear arms by laying the foundation for future shenanigans.

Unless, of course, those future shenanigans are what they’re really after.

But no, they’d never blatantly misrepresent things just to advance their agenda. I mean, it’s not like Everytown has a research arm that they claim is completely independent yet conveniently always has results that just happen to coincide with Everytown’s claim that gun control is the only answer for all of society’s ills.

Oh, wait…

Yeah, we all knew where I was going for that.

Don’t let them try to push this idea that they want to respect our rights. They don’t. They want to set up a system that will erode them into nothingness, and one of those is creating a situation where you could have to wait months or years just to be able to purchase a gun. Who cares if people die while waiting, so long as Everytown keeps getting donations?

Or, how about we do none of that and they can deal with disappointment?

Yeah, I like that better.

Read the full article here

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