Gun Rights Groups Celebrating Trump Win, And We Are Too!

Donald Trump is heading to the White House.
While Vice President Kamala Harris tried her best to position herself as a gun owner and thus someone to trust on guns, it didn’t really work. While guns weren’t a big issue for most voters, at least based on what they told the pollsters, it was still an issue for a lot of people.
Especially and obviously for gun rights groups.
Following Trump’s victory early Wednesday morning, the NRA sent this regarding President-Elect Trump’s win:
In response to President Donald J. Trump’s election victory, NRA CEO/EVP Doug Hamlin and NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) Chairman Randy Kozuch released the following joint statement:
“The NRA congratulates President Donald J. Trump on his hard-fought victory. Gun owners across the country will once again have a strong advocate for their Second Amendment rights in the White House. The NRA-PVF endorsed President Trump in May of 2016 in his first successful run for president, and since then he has been a steadfast advocate for NRA members and our freedoms. This election year, NRA engaged heavily with our members and America’s gun owners to turn out the vote for President Trump and pro-gun candidates up and down the ballot. We are proud to have also helped deliver a pro-gun majority in the U.S. Senate to work with President Trump to defend the right to keep and bear arms.”
Gun Owners of America also sent out a statement on the win:
Gun Owners of America (GOA) spokesmen issued the following statements in response to outlets calling the presidential race for Donald Trump early this morning:
“Kamala Harris would have continued weaponizing the power of government against the Second Amendment rights of the People,” said Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President. “We’re thrilled to be charting a far different and brighter course with President Trump, who has promised to repeal the Biden-Harris infringements within his first week in office. Rather than going on defense, we’re already preparing to help the Trump Administration repeal gun control and restore Second Amendment rights.”
In addition to the White House, America elected a pro-gun Senate majority, which will open the gates even further for GOA’s No Compromise lobbying efforts. Additionally, this Senate will support the confirmation of numerous federal judges who will support and defend the Second Amendment.
Major GOA victories included Senator Ted Cruz’s successful reelection in Texas, and the defeat of anti-gun lobbyist Ryan Busse in his bid for Governor of Montana.
“With such a pro-gun mandate from the voters tonight, we’re ready to hold Republicans to their election promises to protect and restore gun rights,” said Aidan Johnston, GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs. “It is time that Congress finally enact national concealed carry reciprocity, destroy the ATF’s illegal gun registry, de-regulate suppressors, and quit funding unconstitutional ‘red flag’ gun confiscation laws.”
The CCRKBA sent this earlier this afternoon:
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is today congratulating the nation’s gun owners—especially those in critical “battleground” states—for “obviously making a difference” in the outcome of Tuesday’s presidential election.
“America’s gun owners saw the threat of a Kamala Harris presidency and took action,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “Millions of ‘gun voters’ turned out to reverse the nation’s course on firearms rights, and keep Kamala out of the Oval Office. It was gun owners who also made the difference in Montana, re-electing pro-gun Gov. Greg Gianforte and replacing Democrat Sen. Jon Tester with Republican Tim Sheehy, thus shifting the Senate majority to GOP control.
“In this election,” Gottlieb observed, “the Democrats shot blanks and the voters buried their gun ban agenda.
“But,” he cautioned, “I bet they will double down on gun prohibition because they know that it was gun owners that removed them from power and they are gunning to get even. The fight to defend gun rights is not over and every gun owner who helped win this battle must remember that the war on gun rights is ongoing.”
Gottlieb said Trump’s triumphant return to public office “will become the stuff of legend.” He added that the importance of gun owner participation in this historic achievement cannot be overstated.
“Here is a man who endured four years of turmoil while he was in office,” Gottlieb noted, “and he suffered from Democrat-engineered ‘lawfare,’ and survived two assassination attempts including one which nearly cost him his life. Yet, despite his wound, he refused to call for more gun control, and encouraged his supporters to fight. And that is exactly what we intend to do, because the right to keep and bear arms is what protects this nation from tyranny, and frustrates the enemies of liberty.”
As of this writing, the House is still up for grabs. There is a chance of Republicans maintaining their hold on the chamber, but a couple of key races are close enough that nothing is certain right now.
If they do, everything GOA is asking for could be achievable, especially with control of the Senate now locked and may end up being by an even larger margin when all else is said or done.
But, at a minimum, it looks like our right to keep and bear arms will be safe for another couple of years at least. With control of the Senate locked and the White House having Trump in residence there, the odds of gun control actually making its way through Congress are going to be slim. It’s not impossible, of course, but it’s not exactly likely to happen, either.
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