Hogg Already in Hot Water Over Actions as DNC Vice Chairman

When Democrats elected David Hogg–someone who has really accomplished nothing–as one of the DNC vice chairmen, you had to know it was going to be good. Yes, they elected him because they thought he’d be useful in wooing back young men–though why they didn’t elect a man to the role if that were the case is beyond me–and not so much because of his gun control activism, but they still elected him.

But it seems the disgusting human being who used the bodies of dead classmates as a soapbox to elevate himself is still all about himself.

And now a lot of his fellow Democrats are learning about it the hard way.

David Hogg is being a pig, according to Democratic National Committee insiders who are already slinging mud at the new party vice chairman.

Barely two weeks into his tenure, Hogg has been leveraging DNC contact lists to blast out messages soliciting donations to his own political action committee — from which he draws more than $100,000 in compensation a year, according to Federal Election Commission records.

“David Hogg here: I was just elected DNC Vice Chair! This is a huge win for our movement to make the Democratic Party more reflective of our base: youthful, energetic, and ready to win,” reads one of eight texts he sent out to the DNC’s vast database of phone numbers.

Solicitation texts include a link to Hogg’s “Leaders We Deserve” PAC.

“David Hogg — talk about living up to your name. A trough of DNC dollars all for him and he doesn’t seem to give an oink,” a top Democrat grumbled to The Post.

Hogg co-founded “Leaders We Deserve” in August 2023 with the stated goal of electing young progressives to Congress and state legislatures across the country. It also provided him a six-figure income job right out of college.

Now, it’s not technically against the rules to use such a role to fundraise, but a lot of Democrats are angry over it. Especially since this is a PAC that pays him a pretty hefty salary for someone fresh out of college.

Since the PAC was founded, he’s “made” more than $175,000. $20,000 of that came just in December.

See, what we have here is a case of something not being against the rules doesn’t mean that it’s right. Plus, Democrats probably wouldn’t have batted an eye if he’d have at least waited a while before doing it. Instead, he’s doing this just two weeks into stepping into the position. It’s kind of hard not to look at it as anything but him running just to enrich himself.

Let’s be real here, we’re talking about eight texts over a couple of weeks. That’s one every other day, and all of them are about donating to his PAC, not the DNC. That’s going to rub people raw. A spokesperson for Hogg claims he has, in fact, raised money for the DNC since being elected, but that shouldn’t feel secondary to raising money for himself.

The thing is, we’ve been warning them for years.

David Hogg got a taste of fame and leveraged his celebrity for personal gain, especially when the state-college reject got into Harvard, one of the most prestigious schools in the country. Then he started a PAC because he didn’t figure he needed to work a real job or learn anything. He immediately started paying himself a six-figure salary, and no one batted an eye.

He started off by standing on the bodies of his dead classmates and turning that into success he did nothing else to ear. How is anyone surprised that he’s engaging in scummy behavior now?

Or did they think he was so driven by pure motives that he wouldn’t do such a thing?

The fact that we all rejoiced when they elected him should have been a sign, but they didn’t see it.

Now, they do.

Read the full article here

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