Taurus Reintroduces the Taurus 650

Wheelguns continue to remain popular for concealed carry, something that the folks at Taurus are well aware of. With the increased number of people exercising their rights to concealed carry and constitutional carry the time was right for the reintroduction of the Taurus 650. The 650 is a shrouded-hammer, five-shot revolver chambered in .357 Magnum.
The Taurus 650
It’s been nearly 10 years since we last saw the 650, but the current market makes it a great time to bring it back. The 650 has a shrouded hammer and a smooth, Double Action Only (DAO) trigger pull. It holds five rounds and is chambered in the venerable and potent .357 magnum cartridge. The sleek wheelgun is built on an all-steel frame, and comes with fixed sights, and either a 2- or 3-inch full lug barrel. The 650s are fitted with a compact rubber boot grip. Weight is right under 23 ounces. They’re available in either a matte black or matte stainless finish.

The Taurus 650 is the epitome of simplicity with it’s fully enclosed hammer, and DAO trigger and is perfect for pocket carry. The enclosed hammer helps to keep crud, lint and dust from getting into the action and makes for a fast, snag free draw. It’s fitted with an internal transfer bar safety so all you need to do is pull the trigger when it’s needed. The Taurus 650 is compatible with a variety of existing five-shot speed loaders and holsters for similar .357 Mag. models, making it easy to add to your every day carry plan right away. MSRP on the 650 is a reasonable $455 for the matte black models and $470 for the matte stainless ones.

Key Features of the Taurus 650
Removable Serrated Blade Front Sight: The blade front sight is serrated to reduce glare and allow for quick accuracy in all lighting conditions. The front sight is also removable, allowing it to be swapped out to meet your personal preference
Durable Steel or Stainless Steel Frame: Built to withstand rigorous use, the Taurus 650’s steel or stainless steel frame provides the durability needed for both daily carry and extended shooting sessions.

Double Action Only (DAO) Trigger System: The 650’s DAO trigger offers a smooth and consistent pull, enhancing shooting precision and reliability in high-stress environments.
Five-Shot Cylinder Chambered in .357 Magnum / .38 Spl +P: The Taurus 650 is chambered to handle up to .357 Magnum, allowing it to also fire .38 Special and .38 Special +P loads, providing flexibility in ammunition choice.
Shrouded Hammer for Snag-Free Concealment: The internal shrouded hammer ensures a seamless draw from concealment, minimizing snags and enabling easy operation even from a pocket or bag.
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