Experts Claim Bird Flu Could Mix With The Flu And Become “Deadlier”

“Experts” are claiming that bird flu could possibly mix with the flu and become “deadlier” as it does. So far, 17 states have reported H5N1 bird flu cases in humans, but there is still no hard evidence of transmission between people. So far, all of the infections in humans have been mild.
The possibility of a “mixed strain” being the next plandemic has also crossed our minds.
There was a scare when a hospitalized patient in Missouri was diagnosed with H5N1 in August, and health care workers treating them developed similar symptoms. However, tests by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that none of the clinicians actually caught the virus, ruling out person-to-person spread. The CDC reiterated that the risk to people who don’t have contact with potentially infected animals remains low. –Live Science
The United States has reported 36 human cases of bird flu since April. Sixteen of these cases were recorded in California, seven of which were diagnosed in the week ending October 20th. That same week, six workers at a Washington egg farm were also diagnosed.
H5N1 Bird Flu Now Transmissible In Humans
One study found mutations in several genes that may boost the virus’s virulence, including a gene that codes for hemagglutinin, a protein that helps the virus enter cells, and a gene for a protein that helps the virus replicate.
The H5N1 strain in the U.S. appears less severe, but “there are still too few human cases to draw definitive conclusions about its virulence,” Francesco Branda, an epidemiologist at the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, told Live Science in an email. Most of the U.S. cases involve able-bodied farm employees, so it’s unclear whether older adults or people with other medical conditions would also show mild symptoms.
4 Egg Farm Workers Tested Positive For Bird Flu In California
Experts have now been suggesting that the mutations on the H5N1 strain could actually mutate more and mix with influenza to make this a “deadlier” plandemic.
If multiple strains of influenza infect the same person, they can mix and match segments of their DNA, producing a brand-new strain. As the U.S. enters flu season, reassortment could occur in farm workers who get infected with seasonal flu and H5N1 at the same time, Apostolopoulos argued. This could lead to “the emergence of a new, highly virulent strain, potentially resulting in an outbreak or pandemic,” she said.
The only problem we have with this theory is:
They Admit It: The Flu Has Disappeared Now That COVID Is Here
If there is no flu now because it’s all COVID, then how is it going to mix? Is COVID going to mix with bird flu? Does any of this make sense anymore?
Read the full article here