Israel’s Fake Attack On Iran Changes Game in Middle East:

This article was originally published by Ethan Huff at Natural News under the title: Israel’s Fake Attack On Iran Changes Game In Middle East: “Israel Will Never Dominate Mideast Geopolitical and Military Chessboard Again”
Everything has changed, reads a new headline from an independent media source about a changing of the guard that is currently underway in the Middle East.
After Israel launched a “limited” military attack on Iran this past week instead of the mega-attack it promised, the world took notice and realized that Israel is done for on the world stage.
Up until now, Israel has been beating its chest with pride about how it will win no matter what in the Middle East – and much of the world believed them. Now, it is clear that things have, in fact, changed, leaving the Zionist state in fear that Iran will conduct a mega-attack itself “with much greater destruction than ever by the month,” according to State of the Nation.
“The entire Middle East military and geopolitical chessboard has radically changed since the inception of Israel in 1947. For example, Iran and other enemies of Israel now possess some of the most advanced drone weapon technology and hypersonic ICBM weaponry on the planet. Not only that, but Iran now has nuclear weapons which can turn Israel into a vitrified parking lot in a matter of hours.”
(Related: Did you know that 17 of the top 25 richest and most powerful hedge fund managers in the United States are Jewish?)
Israel is making enemies left and right
The weakness that Israel demonstrated with its counter-counterattack on Iran means that the Zionist state can no longer rely on the U.S. military to have its back and win due to the sheer strength of Israel’s enemies, which are many.
The BRICS alliance alone, including the growing interest from many additional countries around the world, shows that the Western-led U.S.-Israel-United Kingdom alliance of nations is no longer the threat that it once was.
As State of the Nation explains, “many secret mutual defense treaties have been signed by various BRICS-aligned nations so that, when and if Israel ever attacks Iran again, the Zio-Anglo-American Axis is really fighting Russia, China, India, Turkey, Egypt among others. Given the level of highly advanced weaponry aimed at Israel in an all-out firefight, Israel would be reduced to rubble in a day and a night.”
Israel has, in many ways, made its own bed with this one – and that bed is a bed of thorns that will not end well for the Zionist state, even if it is still, as of this writing, slaughtering women, children, the elderly, and the infirmed in Gaza with apparent ease.
“As the most hated country on the planet, Israel can no longer weather the massive loss of export revenue, especially after they blew up the various devices killing even more innocents,” SOTN says. “Who would ever trust any technology made in Israel again?”
“Likewise, imports into Israel have also been significantly curtailed after alienating so many nations around the globe. Many companies have ceased doing all business altogether with Israel, even giving up huge profits after witnessing the horrific Gaza Genocide. And those trade relationships will never be re-established on principle alone.”
Like the U.S. and other Western nations, Israel’s economy is on the verge of a free-fall collapse once all the fiat finance scams come to an end. Once that happens, those who live in Israel now, often referred to as settlers, will “vacate the sinking ship as many are already doing to seek safety outside of a full-scale war zone.”
Difficult times, to say the least, are coming for Israel and the world. Which side will you find yourself on once the door to the ark closes?
Read the full article here