Walz Backs Hogg for DNC Vice Chair

Gov. Tim Walz wanted the American people to believe that he was a pro-gun guy, really, he just wanted some “common sense gun control” and nothing more. After all, he was a hunter, you see. You can always trust that someone who hunts really supports the Second Amendment, even while pushing anti-gun nonsense.
You know he’s the real deal by the…ahem…skill with which he loaded his shotgun.
Regardless, Walz is relegated to just Minnesota, thank God. That doesn’t mean he won’t throw his endorsement around for DNC positions, and in so doing, he makes it really clear that he’s as much of an anti-gunner as we always thought.
Former Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz has endorsed March For Our Lives co-founder and Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg for vice chair of the Democratic National Committee, POLITICO reported Friday.
Hogg’s “unique ability to connect with the American people and to speak to the strengths of our party,” Walz told POLITICO. “This is exactly what we need right now: experienced, thoughtful and energized leadership that meets people where they are and takes bold action to win.
“I couldn’t be happier to throw my support behind him and his vision for the party, and I look forward to working with him every step of the way,” said the Minnesota governor and former running mate of Vice President Kamala Harris.
Yes, because the gun control efforts the Democrats have pushed over the last handful of years worked out so splendidly for them in 2024.
They got curb stomped, in part because of the push for gun control as more and more people watched violent crime soar despite more and more anti-gun efforts from lawmakers.
Granted, part of it was that people were far more worried about the economy than gun control, but another part of it was recognizing that if we can’t keep illegal immigrants out of our country, then how in the hell could we keep anything else out? That would include guns because while the flow is reportedly in the other direction, that’s primarily because we don’t need imported firearms for criminals to use.
Placing such a one-trick pony as David Hogg–he couldn’t even launch a pillow company despite making such a big deal of it–in a key DNC position is probably the ultimate gift for the Republican Party anyone could give them.
It’ll ensure that the Democrats don’t learn their lessons, particularly on guns, and continue to push that narrative despite the fact that it clearly didn’t do them a damn bit of good.
I know you’re not supposed to prevent your opponents from making a mistake, but the truth is that I don’t want Democrats to be our opponents on guns. I want them to recognize what the Second Amendment means and to stop trying to infringe upon it, and not just because gun control isn’t popular at the moment.
If no one is trying to destroy our gun rights, defending them becomes stupidly simple.
With David Hogg in such a key position, that’s never going to happen, and that’s what Walz is apparently wanting.
Of course, considering what an idiot he showed himself to be during the campaign, I suppose this is what we all should have seen coming.
Read the full article here