Check Out the Dust Moto ‘Hightail’: US-Made, Lightweight Electric Motorcycle

There are very few electric motocross or trail bikes currently in production. The king of the electric hill is the Stark Varg, which closely mimics gas dirt bikes in size and performance (in some aspects, it outperforms 450cc dirt bikes). But for many, this is too much power, size, and weight, adding to the already tall barriers to entry. Dust Moto aims to rectify these concerns and others with its Hightail electric dirt bike.
Dust Moto started its journey to the Hightail in 2023, quickly engineering and designing an American-made electric dirt bike that is particularly attractive to beginner riders. Let’s dive into the details of the immensely fun-looking bike.
Dust Moto Hightail Main Specifications & Features
Good Power: Weight Ratio & Swappable Battery
The Dust Moto Hightail seems to have a lot going for it. With a claimed 42 peak horsepower, 660 Nm of torque, and a sub-220-pound weight, the power to weight matches or betters current gas 250cc dirt bikes.
However, the Hightail has a claimed seat height and wheelbase that is 2 inches shorter than most 250cc gas bikes. This promises approachable power, size, and weight for a new to intermediate rider.
Another differentiating feature of the Hightail is the hot-swappable 4.4kWh battery. Dust Moto states that it is good for approximately 35 miles or 2 hours of “hard” riding. The swappable battery addresses a major downfall of electric dirt bikes. The lack of “refueling” ability away from an outlet is problematic for other E-Motos.
Easier for Beginners to Handle
Getting into the dirt bike scene is no easy task. Gas dirt bikes can seem daunting to handle in unpredictable terrain with less-than-ideal traction.
Electric motorcycles are regarded as much easier to learn aboard than gas-fed machines. The lack of a clutch or gear shifter and the more linear power delivery are all comforting attributes for a new rider, as are the lower standover height and shorter wheelbase.
Colin Godby, founder and CEO of Dust Moto, focuses on the new rider aspect. He says, “Teaching people to ride an electric dirt bike is easier; they pick it up more quickly, and without the noise, a lot more riding opportunities become available.”
Other Electric Dirt Bike Advantages
Electric dirt bikes offer other advantages over their combustion engine rivals. Access to off-road riding has been shrinking. Motocross tracks, in particular, have been closing at an alarming rate. The noise of gas dirt bikes cannot be denied, especially in wilderness settings and on tracks near urban areas.
Electric dirt bikes nullify the noise concern as they run nearly silently. Dust Moto claims the Hightail drivetrain only produces 55 dB of sound, which is the same as conversational voice.
This lack of noise expands potential riding areas immensely, including backyard tracks in urban areas. It also provides the foundation for a more immersive experience, especially riding in wilderness settings. It can also deliver a more communal experience, as riders would be able to converse during their adventures. And, of course, electric dirt bikes don’t produce any exhaust gasses.
How Do I Get One?
Dust Moto opened the gates this week for preorders of its Hightail. A $100 deposit reserves a unit scheduled for delivery in late 2025. The total MSRP for a Hightail is $10,950. Yes, this rivals gas bikes, but this electric version has many potential advantages.
Interstingly, Dust Moto has taken a different path during the development of the Hightail. The brand labels it “build in public,” allowing backers and followers full viewing access to the design and engineering process of its first bike.
This “open house” development includes a partnership with Bloom. This Detroit-based electric vehicle manufacturing platform offers Dust Moto access to expansive manufacturing, assembly, delivery, and servicing abilities it would not have harnessed on its own.
Check out more or order your Dust Moto Hightail at the DustMoto website.
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