Tennessee Gun Control Advocates Unsurprisingly Calling for Gun Control

Gun control advocates routinely live in a state of delusion. They’re absolutely convinced that everyone secretly agrees with them. They just figure that folks like you and me are too bought and paid for to admit that we really think gun control works and that it’s not an infringement on the Second Amendment.
That’s why they talk about something they claim is super popular requiring an act of courage to implement so often.
It must be incredibly frustrating to be a gun grabber in a pro-gun state while dealing with this self-delusion. But it doesn’t stop them from calling for gun control.
Tennessee’s 2025 legislative session kicks off next Tuesday and several nonprofits are reaching out to state leaders regarding their concerns. One of those groups is Voices for a Safer Tennessee, which held a panel discussion on its 2025 goals.
“I definitely think that we are making progress,” advocate Katherine Merrill said, adding that the most difficult issue of the modern era is the number of firearms on the street.
Merrill joined the discussion, believing that it’s time for the Volunteer State to think about protecting kids and stopping gun violence. According to Everytown Research and Policy, not only does Tennessee have the eighth highest rate of gun homicides in the U.S., but 117 children and teens in the state are killed by guns, 62% of which are homicides
Statistics like this are why Voices for a Safer Tennessee said legislators need to enact safer gun laws.
“In a perfect world, I think a background check system makes so much sense,” Merrill said. “I personally know and am married to a hunter. He and all of his hunting friends agree that if someone is wanting to purchase a weapon, he’s willing, his friends are willing to go through a short background process.”
Don’t you love how they frame these as “nonprofits” rather than gun control groups?
That makes them sound so much more benign.
I also love a gun grabber saying that her hunter husband and his supposed hunting buddies are willing to undergo a “short background process.” First, this is your husband, woman. I doubt anyone married to a gun control advocate is going to be representative of gun owners as a whole.
Second, let’s keep in mind that while I might be willing to undergo a background check when I buy a gun, that’s a far cry from actually believing that it’ll do a damn bit of good.
Of course, this is the media that’s quoting Everytown without acknowledging that they’re a political advocacy group trying to advance gun control throughout the nation, so people might look at their numbers with a bit of skepticism.
Luckily, this is Tennessee.
This is the state that, following a school massacre, had a special legislative session specifically to pass gun control and it didn’t happen. If it wasn’t going to happen then, it’s not going to happen now, even if the media tries to pretend this isn’t a push to infringe on people’s right to keep and bear arms.
Tennessee isn’t likely to do what these people want, but their self-delusion allows them to continue to believe that we all secretly agree with them and if they just ask enough times, sooner or later, we’ll just say, “OK, 4,312 times was the magic number. We’re all for gun control now.”
Bless their little insane hearts.
Read the full article here