Bill Clinton Blames The Far-Left Media For Hillary’s Loss To Trump In 2016

Former president Bill Clinton is blaming the mainstream media, which is a far-left institution, for his wife Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 election. Could it be that perhaps, people didn’t like Hillary even with all of the media on her side?
The mainstream media was highly favorable to Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election cycle, and it was noticeable even to those who didn’t participate in the political ruling structure by voting. Hillary herself even blamed Facebook for Trump’s reelection, claiming that the only way out was censorship.
Hillary Clinton: “Facebook Intends To Reelect Trump” So We NEED Censorship!
Since the Federal Reserve chooses the president much more so than the public, they had a good reason to put Trump on the throne instead of Hillary. But Bill is still going to attempt to use propaganda to make the left feel like the media is now against them.
Why The Federal Reserve Chose Trump Over Hillary In 2016
In an interview with MSNBC that aired on Monday, the former president discussed an excerpt from his book, ‘Citizen: My Life After The White House’, published in November, highlighting the “rage” he felt after Hillary Clinton lost to Trump, despite polls predicting her victory. Clinton, who in his book described the 2016 election as the “darkest election possible in the United States,” claimed the media blew the email scandal out of proportion, according to a report by RT.
“It’s easier for us to know what happened in 2016 in some ways than what happened in 2024 in terms of all of it because in 2016 you had two highly unusual things,” the former president told MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough according to USA Today. “First of all, the mainstream media told the American people repeatedly that the biggest issue was Hillary’s emails – that’s what they said, not just Fox.”
The narrative about Hillary Clinton’s emails made the headlines in the later stages of the 2016 campaign, casting a shadow over the Democratic candidate. At the time, US intelligence agencies claimed that Russia hacked the email of senior Democrats as part of a wide-ranging operation to damage Clinton’s campaign and assist Trump.
“When in fact, even the Trump State Department said she neither sent nor received a single solitary email on her personal device marked classified,” the former president noted, insisting that his wife “followed the rule that then existed, the rules were changed after she left office.” –RT
The Clintons seem to still be holding massive grudges over the Federal Reserve’s decision to put Donald Trump on the throne instead of her in 2016.
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