The Spotlight’s on Harris, But Biden Isn’t Done Infringing on Second Amendment

President Joe Biden didn’t get all of the gun control he wanted during his presidency. Since he’s on his way out the door, the focus has largely shifted to Vice President Kamala Harris. Should she win in November, she’s largely the future of the anti-gun push. There’s a reason to focus on her.

But we shouldn’t forget that Biden is still in the White House.

While no one is actually sure how much he’s running the country versus the people around him, one thing is for certain. We’re not done with gun control from the Biden administration.

The White House will soon announce new executive actions aimed at further reducing gun violence in America, Scripps News has learned, just as the one-year mark since the formation of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention approaches.

Senior administration officials have pointed to the creation of the first-of-its-kind office, led by Vice President Kamala Harris, as a landmark moment for President Joe Biden, for whom the issue of gun violence has been a decades-long focus.

“We know that people are still dying every day in this country due to gun violence,” Stefanie Feldman, director of OGVP, told Scripps News in an interview Friday. “Sometimes it makes national headlines. Sometimes it doesn’t. President Biden and Vice President Harris are committed to continuing their long legacy of leadership on this work.”

Feldman said the new executive actions will be announced “in the weeks ahead” but declined to elaborate on specifics, noting only that some pertain to the continued implementation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act while others are “wholly new.”

Just freaking wonderful.

Now, while I don’t like the BSCA in any way, shape, or form, the truth is that the purpose of executive orders really is for presidents to direct how the executive branch of government enforces the laws passed by Congress. Depending on exactly what’s in the EO Biden signs, it might well be something perfectly within his authority as president.

But I’m not holding my breath.

After all, it’s the “wholly new” part that makes me nervous. That tells us that what we’re going to see is an overreach of authority by a lame-duck president–or the people around him–to advance an anti-gun agenda without the approval of the legislative branch of government, the people who are supposed to create the laws.

Of course, I have no doubt that the usual bunch are salivating at whatever Biden announces, just as I’m sure Second Amendment attorneys are digging in and getting ready for the inevitable fight.

However, if there’s an upside, it’s that there’s only so much time for Biden to do much of anything. He’s out of office in January regardless of what happens in November. That means an election may well change the landscape and one would hope a returning President Donald Trump would rescind any such executive orders on day one. After all, that’s what Biden did, so turnabout is fair play and all that.

Further, if Congress flips red, laws can be passed to repeal some of these egregious efforts by an overstepping federal authority and maybe put the ATF in check, if not make it disappear forever.

Read the full article here

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