Another Day, Another Example of Why Gun Control Doesn’t Work

Canada likes gun control. They’ve enacted significant gun control over the last few years, all while pretending that it’s going to solve their own violent crime issues. Well, it hasn’t.
American gun control advocates have argued that the issue is that American guns are being smuggled north, which is fueling the problem. This is a common refrain by such people, where the issues in one area are really because some other area isn’t enacting certain laws.
Meanwhile, we’ve tended to argue that the issue is that people are breaking laws, not the existence of firearms. Bad people will find a way to get guns no matter what.
Anti-gunners laugh at this, but they also ignore stuff like this.
A 38-year-old man is behind bars after being caught at a Cornerstone business with a knife and an improvised gun.
Prince Albert Police were called to a business in the 800 Block of 15th Street East at about 6:20 p.m. Wednesday for a report of a physical altercation.
When they got there, the suspect was in the custody of security personnel and was arrested moments later.
Officers investigated further and found the improvised gun and a knife.
An “improvised gun” isn’t a 3D-printed “ghost gun” that uses parts for more traditional firearm parts. This is just what it says, an improvised gun, like a zip gun or something along those lines.
And this is someone who is described as “well-known” to the court system up in that part of Canada.
Look, we need to understand that some people are just inventive. They’re industrious. They’re willing to cobble together whatever they need to in order to hurt people. They’ll even use glorified fishing equipment if they have to.
That’s because what’s dangerous is and has always been the person.
Dangerous people, both good and bad, are dangerous not because they have access to a firearm but because they’re fully capable of killing you from an emotional and psychological perspective. In some cases, they can take your life and then order a cheeseburger if they had to. They might not necessarily want to, but they could do it.
They don’t need a gun.
But if they feel like they do, some will simply make one with whatever they have available. It’s unavoidable, too. You’re never going to stop it.
So what gun control does is keep law-abiding folks from having guns they can use to protect themselves from these people, people who will get or make a firearm if they have to. Such laws don’t do more than maybe inconvenience criminals, if they even do that, but they really screw over the regular citizens who aren’t a danger to anyone.
It’s an old tune at this point, one you know all the words to, but it’s also extremely true and the other side has no interest in hearing it. They’d rather keep their heads in the sand.
There’s a reason why so many gun rights supporters figure it’s really about control. That’s the only thing that explains how anti-gunners can keep pretending gun control works when there’s so much actual, real-world evidence around us showing that no, it doesn’t.
Read the full article here