Trump’s Lack of Direction Leaves Some 2A Advocates Bothered

President Donald Trump ran as a pro-gun candidate. Considering who he was running against, that didn’t take much. Just offering to maintain the status quo at the federal level was better than what Kamala Harris offered to bring to the table.

And since taking office, we’ve seen pro-gun movement out of the administration.

However, not everyone is thrilled with how that’s going.

As Second Amendment writer David Codrea notes at Firearms News, the unfocused approach isn’t giving people warm and tingly feelings.

Policies out of main Justice continue to leave gun owners uncertain of the Trump Administration’s overall intentions for the Second Amendment, and it’s left the gun community divided. Some are afraid we’ve been conned (again). Others say “patience” and talk of 3D chess. Meanwhile, things go back and forth.

The President’s executive action ordering AG Bondi to “assess any ongoing infringements on the Second Amendment rights of our citizens and present a proposed plan of action…to protect the [rights] of all Americans,” seemed like a good first step (although the infringements addressed only go back to the Biden term). Still, his campaign promise to roaring crowds was that “Every single Biden attack on gun owners and manufacturers will be terminated on my very first week back in office, perhaps my first day,” not that he’d assign someone to study the problem. Based on his pledge, it was fair to assume the incoming administration had already done its homework and would be able to hit the ground running. Gun owners were not encouraged by news that Bondi had missed the deadline for her report. Then it was learned she asked for an extension. The extension has come and gone, and Justice and the White House are keeping conclusions close to the vest.

Meanwhile, there have been legal developments leaving some of us scratching our heads. DOJ still refuses to say where it gets statutory authority to press a citizen for Consent to Permanent Entry in the National  Instant Criminal Background Check System. That creates an unauthorized-by-Congress class of “prohibited persons,” without a conviction or other disqualifier as defined by law. That the government has not provided responsive documents to my Freedom of Information Act Request and subsequent legal complaint makes it fair to speculate that resistance is not because it won’t comply, but because it can’t provide any records authorizing the practice.

This is, of course, just one man’s opinion. I tend to agree with Codrea on most, but I will again say we’ve seen some pro-gun activity from the Trump administration and Pam Bondi.

But the truth is that while I can see improvements, I’m not perfectly satisfied by what I’ve seen.

On my personal YouTube channel, I posted a video about it on Tuesday. I pointed out much of the good, but also some points where things aren’t looking so good. I’m generally pleased, though I could be much happier. However, not everyone is.

What’s interesting to me is the comments. Now, there isn’t a pile of them, admittedly, because the channel is small right now. However, the comments are generally less than favorable toward the Trump administration’s actions on the Second Amendment.

That sort of surprised me, to be honest. I’m not surprised to hear some concern over Attorney General Pam Bondi’s apparently inability to release a report on unconstitutional gun laws as directed by the president, nor some concerns over his bump stock ban during his first term, but the overall take is that no, the president isn’t delivering on his pro-gun promise.

Now, I get that we’re only a couple of months into his presidency, but people expected more from Trump at the outset. We’re not getting it.

Of course, there are four years left for the administration to get stuff done, and the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act just advanced in the House, so that’s good news, but overall, the approach doesn’t feel like there’s a coherent plan in place to restore our right to keep and bear arms.

There’s plenty of time to start getting it right, but that needs to start soon or else those pro-gun voters might not bother to turn out in the midterms.

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