Violence Finds A Way

Gun control advocates argue that the laws they propose will save lives. A great example of just how they do that can be found in a couple of pieces Ranjit wrote earlier this week (Part 1 and Part 2, because there was just that much stupid).
Through it all, the core claim is that without guns, we wouldn’t have problems. There’s a lot they ignore, up to and including how the United States has a higher non-gun homicide rather than many other developed nations, which suggests that maybe guns aren’t the problem.
The truth is that if someone is a violent individual, they’re going to be a violent individual. Guns aren’t cursed objects from a fantasy game that will drive the bearer into a homicidal rage based exclusively on the evil it emanates. That’s not how it works and anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together knows that.
Instead, people shift to other methods of committing violence.
For example, how about this story out of super gun-controlled Britain?
Two Mongrel Mob members and one associate have been arrested after a man was allegedly shot through the leg with a spear gun in front of his young children in Hamilton late last week, leaving him critically injured.
Police received multiple calls about an incident on Coates St in Hamilton East at around 11.30am on Saturday.
A man had been putting his young children into his car when he was approached by two unknown males wearing Mongrel Mob regalia, a police spokesperson said.
“Words were exchanged before the man was then assaulted.
“The victim’s partner, along with a member of the public tried to step in to protect the victim.”
Two associates of the offenders began to assault the victim’s partner before one of them left and returned with a spear gun.
The spokesperson said this spear gun was given to one of the gang members, who then shot the victim through the leg with the spear gun. The gang members then left the area.
That’s right. A spear gun.
That’s fishing tackle, basically.
Yet this violent individual nearly killed a man with it.
Back in 2018, I wrote about a case here that has stuck with me all these years later. A man beat four members of his family to death. Two elderly people, a 42-year-old woman, and a 15-year-old girl.
See, the problem with gun control is that it revolves around blaming guns for the problem. It completely ignores literally everything else that can be used as a weapon simply because most violent people prefer to use a firearm.
But there’s a flip side here.
See, guns don’t have a volition of their own. They don’t have political opinions or any opinions. They’re lumps of steel, polymer, or whatever materials used to make them. They are tools, and as such, they are incapable of thought. That means they will serve evil, but it also means they serve good.
They serve the 73-year-old grandmother who has watched her once middle-class neighborhood become a bastion of lawlessness and who fears for her safety. It serves the 34-year-old battered wife who has finally found it within herself to leave her abusive husband, but lives in fear that he’ll find her and try to kill her. It serves the law-abiding all the time.
In fact, it serves the law-abiding far more often than it serves the criminal.
And the criminal? The violent thug determined to hurt others? They’ll find a way because violence is like life. It always finds a way.
Read the full article here