Warning: Bird Flu Mass Testing Has Started And It’s “Not Enough” To Panic The Masses Yet

Most of us remember what happened once everyone started getting tested for COVID-19 when they were getting colds. The number of infections went up, and other ruling classes used that as an excuse to muzzle and control the slaves, pushing totalitarian measures to see who would comply.
Well, we’ve already entered the mass testing phase for bird flu, and now it’s just “not enough” according to authorities.
After three more herds in California’s Central Valley tested positive for bird flu, questions have been raised about the whether true extent of the outbreak in the United States is much wider than recognized, given inadequate or nonexistent biosecurity and a persistent lack of testing.
“We are really not testing enough,” said Meghan Davis, an associate professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “The lack of testing has actually been one of the most startling things for me, in terms of watching the response to this outbreak unfold.”
U.S. Enters Mass Testing Phase For Bird Flu In Dairy Cattle
Now that humans are getting sick with “no known contact” with ill animals, the rulers will likely start forcing tests on farm workers and others. Whether this disease is spreading human to human or not they will be able to make it look that way. Unfortunately, this could actually do real-world harm to the public, however, unlike COVID.
They Are Doing This: Bird Flu Is Spreading Human To Human
The rulers will use germ theory to once again panic the naive masses and cull the meat and egg supply that human beings require for adequate health and nutrition.
U.S. Reports Its First Case Of Human Bird Flu NOT Linked To Animals
Whether or not this is a hoax, it looks like the bird flu is going to be used as an excuse to cull humans and convince them not to eat a proper human diet. Get ready for the bugs and plant-based propaganda to really start as soon they kick this next plandemic off.
The Overhyped Threat of a Human Bird Flu Pandemic is a Hoax to “Reset” Our Food System
Experts claim that the virus is likely much more widespread than is being reported and every newfound case in an animal raises the risk of more people getting sick. “It’d be really great to see USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) step in with some very strong recommendations” around efforts like bulk milk testing, Davis said.
The “authorities” are working hard crafting their narrative that will convince as many as possible that this “bird flu” is the issue. There is very little possibility that this is all just a massive coincidence.
Read the full article here