H5N1 Bird Flu Is “Mutating” Fast

The H5N1 bird flu is mutating fast as it jumps from mammal to mammal. According to an article in News Medical Life Sciences, written by Dr. Sanchari Sinha Dutta, Ph.D., scientists have uncovered alarming evidence of H5N1’s rapid adaptation to mammals fueled by genetic mutations.
High-pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) viruses belonging to the H5N1 subtype are a leading risk factor for future pandemics. The evolutionary barriers to mammalian adaptation of these viruses are lower than previously thought, as shown by rapid mutation accumulation in key viral proteins.
With mammal-to-mammal transmission now confirmed by scientists sponsored by the ruling class, could this be the precursor to the next global pandemic?
Such rapid viral transmission started after the emergence of a new genotype of H5N1 viruses belonging to clade, which infected wild birds from Europe to Africa, North America, South America, and the Antarctic. These viruses arose from genomic reassortment between the H5N8 and low-pathogenicity avian influenza (LPAI) viruses, generating new hybrid strains. –News Medical Life Sciences
If H5N1 continues spreading in humans, an existing H5 vaccine that is antigenically related to circulating viruses can be scaled up using mRNA platforms. Is that just a coincidence? Probably not. This “vaccine” has been stockpiled now for months preparing for the bird flu’s “spread” to humans and transmission between them.
SCRIPTED: New Human Vaccines Are Already Developed & Stockpiled For Pandemic Flu That Doesn’t Exist Yet
Scientists do note, however, that the virus’s ability to reassort with other influenza viruses, particularly in high-risk settings such as farms, raises concerns about the potential for more transmissible variants. That means we’re likely going to get some that work around the “vaccine” and could be deadly, instead of the last plandemic, which was simply renaming the common cold.
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