White House’s Disgusting Refusal to Target Gang Violence

All around us, violent crime is a significant problem and has been since 2020. Numerous news stories have been written about skyrocketing violent crime and about how guns are supposedly the leading cause of death in children. They’re not, of course, but it still makes headlines just the same.
Much of the violence we do have, though, isn’t generalized. It’s not random suburbanites flipping out and killing their neighbors over a dispute. No, it centers largely around our inner cities.
Take Birmingham for example. Four people were killed in a targeted murder-for-hire attack that didn’t care about innocent bystanders. The shooters were likely gang members who couldn’t lawfully own guns–though that didn’t stop some from blaming a lack of gun control for the incident–and that’s an issue.
Because the Biden administration has been completely silent on gang violence, and as Lee Williams notes, that’s disgusting.
The Biden-Harris administration weaponized the ATF soon after taking office, but rather than siccing ATF agents on inner city gang members who are responsible for the majority of the shootings and murders in the country, the ATF was ordered to target law-abiding gun dealers and gun owners instead, most often for simple clerical errors or some minor violation of ATF’s everchanging rules.
Joe Biden has issued more than 40 anti-gun executive orders since becoming president, but not a single one does anything to yank guns from the hands of criminal street gang members.
The ATF claims it’s a participant in Project Safe Neighborhoods, a federal program designed “to reduce gun violence and other violent crime, and to make our neighborhoods safer for everyone.” However, most of the ATF’s investigations occur after-the-fact, after local law enforcement officers who are not afraid to confront armed gangsters make an arrest and discover an illegal conversion switch or some other violation of federal law.
To be clear, most of ATF’s highly touted arrests take place within the comfy confines of their field offices, not on the streets where it matters — where they should be deployed. After all, possession of stolen firearms, conversion switches and possession by a convicted felon are federal crimes and ATF’s responsibility.
Rather than attacking gang violence head-on, the Biden-Harris administration cannot even say gang violence. They talk about groups of youths or at-risk teens. They demonize the gangsters’ tools but never the gangsters themselves. To do otherwise would be racist, they mistakenly believe. However, forcing law-abiding residents of the cities impacted by gang-violence to live trapped in their homes by crime is about as racist as it can get. This type of attitude is mimicked by the corporate media, who ignore the problem because they don’t want to offend anyone by citing an arrestee’s race or gang affiliation.
If you can’t even acknowledge the problem, how are you going to solve it?
These aren’t “youths” or “at-risk teens.” They’re gang members. Own up to it and acknowledge who and what they are. Saying so isn’t racist unless you’re also implying that this is the totality of the black or Hispanic experience or whatever.
And this is an issue because we know how much this impacts violent crime as a whole.
Homicides aren’t just random events these days. Most of them are targeted attacks based on what really are petty disagreements coupled with an honor culture that thinks disrespect must be met with violence.
If the Biden administration argued that this is a local or state matter, that would be one thing. It would be hypocritical of them to do so, mind you, because he’s never blinked at federal meddling in local matters before, but at least it would be an argument that could make sense to those of us who are of a Federalist inclination.
But he doesn’t. He just pretends it’s not a thing, all while attacking guns.
These guys aren’t buying guns lawfully. They’re not going into gun stores and getting the NICS checks. They’re armed with illegal guns and are going after people for mild disagreements.
And Biden is doing nothing except targeting our right to keep and bear arms.
It’s disgusting, especially as he pretends that he’s the one taking the problem seriously.
Read the full article here